Hannu Vallin medal 5586 7 years 292 days ago
Now that I've reached level 16, all the level 16 staff I can see (in other teams or in the transfer page) are only 4,5 stars, the same as all the level 15 staff. Level 17 staff shows up as 5 orange stars.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 292 days ago
You just have to wait on someone else's 5 star staff contract running out and try and pinch them while they are not looking

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 292 days ago
No James, he's saying that the staff that should be 5 star are not showing as such. Staff at his level are showing up as 4.5 star and the staff in level above are red starred.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 292 days ago
I think we all experience the same issue Hannu. I've spent literally months waiting for 5* CD & TD , the overwhelming majority show as 4.5* even though they are the same overall level as my manager. Very rarely one comes along at the same level but indicates 5*, I always assumed it was a rounding issue.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 292 days ago
Big lot of the staff that are 4.5 are young and don't have 20 exp, they are changeable with use.
There is a few have 20 exp but are still young, they are changeable with use.
The ones that are old and have 20 exp are never gonna change, because their talent is one level below what it needs to be.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 292 days ago (edited 7 years 292 days ago)
The way I see it, if there are 500 users are level 10. The system will spit out 300 5 star staff, the rest are 4.5 some changeable and some fixed at 4.5
It might be annoying and spit out
50 5 star
50 4.5
50 4
50 3.5
50 3
50 2.5
50 2
so on and so on lol
All the wee star staff seem to be lower levels none at level 20 so that puts that idea out the window

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 291 days ago
Hannu. Below are a couple of examples, both L18 CDs (same as my manager level) but one showing 5 stars and the other 4.5 star. The 5 star L18 staff are very few and far between, I have been waiting for months for one to appear and only managed to hire this one about 12 days ago. I really dislike levelling up :-(
<img src="https://oon5cq.dm2304.livefilestore.com/y4mUMYHIzl5fp_gWtGRasotTx0425Qht16eVFlGHpT1OvaAZQAkuz23pczFP-DGoTF5nVQx9BcQtYxD_ROo0tjDMBQjKOGazfzVdKnMrpMwoaaAyvx6eJa9JYTMlINqbg5LJpsE2axNhK6fn9etsw6s8NxKdctnMejmXfCc8Apk1KRTOqDgniHjbEGFAI7swHj4LAJepda8B2q6N3T0YHSWcQ?width=865&height=309&cropmode=none" width="865" height="309" />
<img src="https://oen5cq.dm2304.livefilestore.com/y4mbNK0JUlkCfJ4lsdrX2cpyhx0jfw-gbURptVZ3vwvUWScKNkn8A1U13O1vWNm0KwVK0Gl5npYpR26w6gYqmlZ4jQZdGPm4nVbcyMEDd9AT8R7Bs7dhqRI8TprFQWk3724aQf3ZiMFd-htlDkJ_vbt-8KMwhwO2wtFLHzlq1KxyzKS0Y32e4S1ladDfYgv3KfZ8Zuu0vTAgcS7TUSDw3r0_g?width=862&height=303&cropmode=none" width="862" height="303" />

Hannu Vallin medal 5586 7 years 291 days ago
Big lot of the staff that are 4.5 are young and don't have 20 exp, they are changeable with use.
There is a few have 20 exp but are still young, they are changeable with use.
The ones that are old and have 20 exp are never gonna change, because their talent is one level below what it needs to be.
What constitutes as a young CD (if I'm trying to find some young CD/TD who has less than 20 experience and can rise to full later)?

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 290 days ago
I suppose that's the problem, it seems to be different for each individual case. As mentioned in league board this hit me on lvl 15 already and not lvl 16 like you. In my case they are all 4.5 stars. I did find CDs of my level with 60+ age and 20 experience but still 4.5 stars.
It should be 3 races now until I hit lvl 16 and I hope things return to normal. Took on a TD and doctor of lvl 15 even though they are the same stars as the former lvl 14 staff in the hope they stay 4,5 and not drop to 4. I couldn't find a CD with a decent weakness though.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 287 days ago (edited 7 years 287 days ago)
I have been watching this on the market for past few days. Maybe Jack has been tinkering with staff, I not too sure.
Based on my own staff, they are equal talent to my manager level and 53 & 54 year olds with 5 stars.
So if the staff has Talent equal or higher to your level they can become 5 stars, if they are younger than 53.
I see lots of 4.5 star staff on the market that are equal talent and over, only they are ages 25, 40, 45 & 46.
We need Jack though to step in and tell us if this is true or not, for these young guys to star up.
I would hire the 46 yr old now but I cant until the season is over. I wanna see if I have a pro car or an elite car at the end of the season, as I'm going back into elite lol

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 286 days ago
It must be possible to level up staff. There's one team in our league with manager level 14 but a doctor level 15. That doctor is only aged 40 though, but has 20 experience. So it's rather experience but I suspect for most staff this happens at an age of slightly above 50.

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 286 days ago

The doctor in question. The talent matches his lvl like with your latest post. The two above are, or one and one likely to be, one lvl above their talent. The higher morale?

Sandeep Tiwary medal 5000 7 years 283 days ago
just 2 CD at Lvl 16 with 4.5 star and both of them with Acceleration as weakness, already had a worst season
dun know will i be even competitive enuf to earn points in next