Nicolas Cucatto medal 5000 7 years 276 days ago
Im playing on a league full of bots, so I decided to spent all my design points on "Reliability" to have to use less part to fix the car.
Before added the points I had 20 ish and after every race I had to spent 3 parts to fix the cars. Now I have 79 points on Reliability and still have to spent 3 parts to fix the cars after every reace.
What is the point to have 4 time more points that before if I still have to use the same parts to fix the cars? It has no sense at all.
Could you tell me if this an expected behavioir or there is an issue?

Jayden Stafford medal 5000 7 years 276 days ago
There is a current post on this forum about this.. If you wouldve read it before hand you probably wouldnt have wasted coins...

Jayden Stafford medal 5000 7 years 276 days ago
There is a current post on this corum about this.. If you wouldve read it before hand you probably wouldnt have wasted points

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 275 days ago
Yes, reliability has very little effect and only noticeable once the repair bill goes towards 20 total per race. So with around 6 parts there's about no real effect visible but since 7 parts can be produced it's not that much of a problem, except from being present as a quite useless car stat that is. With a little bit above 16 parts at level 15 it might be an option if the situation allows the loss of performance, but so far I'd rather use tokens to top up the store if needed.
This behavior is expected but the devs are aware that it perhaps has too little of an effect.
A thing to note: With the mobile app you can earn (a limited number per day, 10 I believe) of additional parts for viewing ads.