martyn fox medal 5000 7 years 269 days ago
hi I have two teams in one of my leagues. at the end of the second season (2 hours ago) both teams got promoted to pro, I have not received my end of season research points on both teams. one of the teams the car has reset to 1 -3 across the board and my other team the stats have dropped by about 10 points on each one. please can you have a look into this. league name is Recall, race teams are Twisted racing and fox racing. thanks in advance

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 269 days ago
Can you provide the names of the teams and screenshots of their current design points?

martyn fox medal 5000 7 years 268 days ago
twisted racing and fox racing. How do i post a screen shot of a phone?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 268 days ago
If you can upload to an image hosting site, like imgur for example, you can take the direct link to the image and paste it between [img] and [/img] without spaces anywhere. e.g. [img]image_link_here.jpg[/img]

martyn fox medal 5000 7 years 268 days ago

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 268 days ago
That image doesn't give me the information I need -- it seems you've linked something else.

martyn fox medal 5000 7 years 267 days ago
Thats fox racing

martyn fox medal 5000 7 years 267 days ago
And this one is twisted racing

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 267 days ago
For some reason it looks like you "switched" leagues with twisted racing. Looking at your history, it is showing being in a league for a day with no races run, so if you pulled it out to look for a new league and stuck it back in, the game will treat it like "league hopping" and reset your points.
Next time please provide all the details of your problem, because this really looks like a case of everything working as intended.

martyn fox medal 5000 7 years 267 days ago
Well not really as both my cars had stats over 30. And Yes i left the leauge to try and reset my car stats. Is it normal for every car in the leauge to lose stats at the end of a season

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 267 days ago
Your car is reset at the end of each season to roughly 10 points at your level. It represents the building of a new chassis each year to meet the new regulations. Everyone should be in the same range of points unless they had poor designers or carried multiple lead designers for the season. Jumping in and out of leagues results in your points being set to 1's.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 262 days ago
Hi Martyn.
For the team that had its design set to 1s, that a bug that a lot of other players experienced. There was an explanation provided by Jack. It is a one-time issue and won't happen again.
Your second team, where design reset to 10s looks to be about where it should be at the start of a new season based on your level, as Greg said.

Filippo Sanangelantoni medal 5000 7 years 258 days ago
Really nicely explained, thanks

Oswin Hulsebos medal 5000 7 years 257 days ago
Hello everyone,
I feel like I have a similair issue, but I don't really get it yet. Yesterday my season was finished and I was promoted to the elite tier. In order to prepare for this, I mainly focussed on acceleration to have one skill higher than the rest. However, now all of my research is around 30 points, which is significantly lower than the rest of the competitors. Acceleration now even is my lowest design at 28, whilst it was around 70 yesterday.
Is this as intended? Because I read above that rank matters, but all of us in the competition are rank 8.
If this works as intended, how can I prevent that my car gets debuffed like this at the end of the season, or what can I do to minimize this?
My Team is Rave Pace in the competition bas. My design points from top to bottom are :
28 34 34 34 40 35 34 34
Where acceleration is my designer's weakness and handling is the strength.

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 256 days ago (edited 7 years 256 days ago)
Looks right to me. You are starting a new season in the same league and design points get reset to a base level every season. Jump leagues and basically you will have all 1's.
Acceleration is your design weakness and it starts off as the lowest value. The opposite for your strength, handling

Oswin Hulsebos medal 5000 7 years 256 days ago
Ah okey, but my handling isn't the highest skill for me, my fuel consumption is. And why is my car's development still the lowest then, when the others are the same rank? Does this depend on your headquarters?

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 256 days ago
It's the issue I found, get promoted to Elite but the car is build as if you are still in the Pro tier with a top design of 40 instead of 50. But the gate swings both ways, if relegated back to Pro tier you with have an Elite car with max design area at 50 instead of a Pro car with 40.

Jonas Carlsen medal 5000 7 years 255 days ago
I have the same problem. New season start and very low design points.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 255 days ago
I have the same problem. New season start and very low design points.
Not a problem, it's the price you pay for switching leagues. Gives you time to scout out the competition, If you are beating everyone with you're shopping trolley 1's & 2's, then you might want to switch leagues again to you find one, that has you struggling.

Jonas Carlsen medal 5000 7 years 255 days ago
ID didnt skeep league IT just endet and new was startet.