trokero trokero medal 5000 7 years 238 days ago (edited 7 years 238 days ago)
The race never started, Just shows a blank page

Roshan White medal 5000 7 years 238 days ago
Is anyone else having problems with going on a race server? Because when I go to spectate some races, It just white screens and doesn't load up.

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 238 days ago
After seeing this thread I've tried to spectate some races and am only getting a blank white page too. Earlier today (12 hours ago or so) I was able to spectate fine.

Jason Mcrae medal 5000 7 years 238 days ago
same here hoping someone who can fix it is watching as i have a race in under 2hrs.
and yet we have another day with another problem.

Roshan White medal 5000 7 years 238 days ago
I have a race In over half hour, so I'm quite concerned.

Kenny Cole medal 5000 7 years 238 days ago
Still showing a blank white screen, any fixes going on, racing in 3 1/2 hours

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 238 days ago
Looks like something has gone wrong.... we have a note about someone joining/leaving our league and its in a foreign language...and attempting to enter race results in a blank page popping up with nothing loading

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 238 days ago
Is this a PC only issue or are people on mobile suffering it as well?

Allan Perry medal 5000 7 years 238 days ago
Race viewer opens OK on mobile app to spectate, but on PC race viewer not opening. (blank/white screen)

Julien Pessidous medal 5000 7 years 238 days ago
Same here :o Could watch the race on Android but not on my PC

Jason Mcrae medal 5000 7 years 238 days ago
on mobile app it says race is over.

Allan Perry medal 5000 7 years 238 days ago
You can't manage a race properly on a mobile phone. If these ongoing problems with the PC based version can't be resolved permanently then .............................................! Its too frustrating to continue for much longer. there seems to be too many half baked leagues. What about getting rid of some , then putting a cap on number of leagues that can be created.

Mustrum Ridcully medal 5004 7 years 238 days ago
Same problem here. I had to enter with the mobile app...

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 7 years 238 days ago
We're very sorry about this. It was a simple snippet of JavaScript that was missing a semicolon... it is fixed now. This piece of code should never have been used.