James Greer medal 5000 7 years 211 days ago (edited 7 years 211 days ago)
Az miért van,hogy nem azzal a gumi beálítással mennek az autóim.Mint amit beállítok??
I not sure if this what you said or not
Why does not my car go with the rubber adjustment? As I'm setting??
Selecting number of stop adjusts the number below tyres, but what it shows isn't always the same as what is in use when you click on the tyre. Sometimes the estimated laps are lower or higher. It's best to click each tyre to be sure it is correct.
For example, switching to a 4 stop, for me it will say 11-11-11-11-11 total estimated laps 55/53 when I click on one of the tyres it shows fueled 24 estimated laps 9.5 and not the 11 it has given to start with.