Lee Clark medal 5000 7 years 211 days ago
For the third time running my cars have pitted to fit wets when there is only 2mm of rain despite my settings being not to change until 3mm. This has cost me three races now. Is this a known bug?
Currently wet race in Germany (EDL)

Chris Louth medal 5000 7 years 210 days ago
Known as in reported on here before - yes
Known as in acknowledged by important people? Unknown

Francisco Sapena medal 5179 7 years 66 days ago
When rain 2mm or less i've seen some drivers try intermediate wet tyres, are faster than wet tyres. There are some GPs where the rain isn't that much of 2mm, like Monaco.

Lukas Kolb medal 5000 7 years 66 days ago
Intermediates is most faster