Leo Yeo medal 5000 7 years 193 days ago
I have an idea that could potentially fix the fact that the transfer market is dead. If you go on multiple accounts and search through the transfers page you'll find a lot of the same drivers and staff each account. Which shows that even if the game tries to show staff relative to your level, there just aren't enough members to fully fill the transfers page...
So my idea would be that to stop inactive (or greedy & active) people from hogging decent staff members, contracts should end on a certain amount of days and not races. This would mean that even if you decide to be cheeky and hoard a lot of staff but never do a race, it would make no difference. Because days will go by even if you can't be bothered to race or log on.
I have seen the new auto kick feature which helps to prevent clutter in leagues, but has no effect on staff. So we will still have dead accounts with fully functional staff!
Doing this would allow the transfer market to be much more lively and full instead of just the same faces coming up again and again like it is currently.
transfer market will be bigger
People will have to be more active to keep staff
More realistic (Why would staff stay in an inactive team?)
Managers that race once a week will have to renew contracts more often.
Staff will get older quicker( Every 20 DAYS staff will age a year)
No more hogging staff for later
What do you think guys? Is this a good idea? I haven't really sorted out all of the kinks yet!

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 193 days ago
Maybe max of say 4 of each unique staff (e.g. 4 chief designers at a time max for one team) could be a decent start?
I'm not sure about having contracts be counted in days instead of races, as there are a good number of managers who don't race in daily leagues for instance.
But there can be a counter for inactivity where contracts will run out after a number of days that a manager is inactive, say 28 days. While the opposing argument would be that there shouldn't be any "staff auto-leave" because the binding contracts mean teams can do whatever they want with their staff (even have them play tennis forever in the HQ), staff auto-leaves is another thing that could encourage activity, and further ensure inactive teams don't hog huge portions of the game. So if staff auto-leaves becomes a thing, shortlist every staff of Joey McLane's 4 teams, guys. ;)
Nice ideas you have here, Leo.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 193 days ago
Can't have auto leave staff and drivers, sure if you went on holidays and came back to find you have nothing but 1 star staff and drivers you would yell the house down.

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 193 days ago
Which is why it should be preferably a longer period. If not 28 days perhaps more. There's a diff between taking a break and abandoning your team for a long period of time, so somewhere around the latter range.

Leo Yeo medal 5000 7 years 193 days ago
Yep I totally agree with the higher amount of days, but maybe you could just extend the contract for a few more days at a reduced discounted cost! :D
And also, who goes on holiday for 50 days without a phone?
Also also, maybe we could just have the system for people not inside a league, like what boomer said. Because I have seen many leagues where you are allowed to go on holiday and stay inside a league...

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 193 days ago (edited 7 years 193 days ago)
I don't think that suggestion would help because to me the problem looks like it's the system that is broken and not a matter of lack of staff in the pool. Why I do think it is? Because, like several other managers, I managed to get several decent and finally a good enough Chief Designer offered, but only after hiring 12-20 worthless Chief Designers. So to me it looks like it's just always the same staff that keeps rotating in the market forever and only after some of those are hired this rotating staff pool will be refilled from a second much bigger pool of staff that's kept on hold. So there is usefull free staff available but without rather drastic measures, or the luck of being there after other, often lower level, manager clear the list for you, they remain hidden.
So the suggestions I'd have would rather be:
-Have all the staff currently not on contract rotate the market or at least enlarge that rotation pool by quite a lot.
-Make the game filter staff better for picks suitable for the given manager level or better allow the manager to set filters like level, profession (for what I have to see all those doctors if all I want is a CD?) and so on.

Fabio Peluso medal 5000 7 years 193 days ago
I think also wages and initial costs are often too high wrt the ability of the staff/pilot you are hiring

Pola Pola medal 5000 7 years 192 days ago
Daniel made a good point about staff rotation.
Wages/costs is part of finance management which is part of the challenge as a manager.

Giu Ronini medal 5000 7 years 192 days ago
Just want to know : How Staff is created in iGP ?
For drivers, i assume they are coming from the High-level player's Academy but, how is it working for staff ?

Fabio Peluso medal 5000 7 years 192 days ago
Another thing, I think there is too much difference between auction and direct sell

Fabio Peluso medal 5000 7 years 192 days ago
moreover, I've noticed that a former driver of mine has a wage that is a little bit higher then my current driver, but the current one has 19 talent and level 11 against the former one that has talent 1 (!) and level 10. It is correct that money and salaries management is part of the game, but usually a real manager can deal with players, so if you need a Lewis Hamilton you know that he will cost 100, while a Giancarlo Fisichella will cost less. So why should I pay 10 millions for a Giancarlo Fisichella while selling Lewis Hamilton will give me just 5 millions?

Pola Pola medal 5000 7 years 192 days ago
@Giu: I assume some staff and drivers are generated randomly.
Driver wages are determined by their level. The higher their level, the higher their wage, and signing fee should you try to buy them. This is why 20 talent drivers from the YDA have low salary, as they start at levels 4-5. When you extend their contract, it only increases 10% from their existing salary, which is the same for other drivers.
I assume there's a difference between auction and direct sell because direct selling is instant whilst with auctions you sometimes have to wait or in most cases, they won't be bought at all.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 7 years 192 days ago (edited 7 years 192 days ago)
Actually one of the main reason the market was "dead" is because the script that removes unwanted drivers and staff from the transfers list hasn't been running for the last few weeks. It was disabled for efficiency reasons back when we had some capacity issues. I've just started it again.
I notice you're level 19 as well, and at that end of the market it certainly is much less active because you don't really have any real-time competition to bid against. Only so many people have reached that level. If you check out the market in the first 5 levels you'll see a totally different picture.
Let me know in a couple of days if you don't see any improvement (now that the pruning of unwanted drivers/staff is active again) and I will look into this again.

Maricoco Rodriguez medal 5000 7 years 192 days ago
Acaba de terminar un piloto
la subasta y ha vuelto a salir al final el mismo piloto. No salen pilotos nuevos? Llevo varios días intentando fichar un piloto y no sale ninguno interesante.

Leo Yeo medal 5000 7 years 192 days ago
I'll check in a few days and see if there are any more decently leveled staff around!
Daniel's idea was also interesting, having a more in depth filter system would make searching the transfer market much clearer and less frustrating. So hopefully in future something like what we used to see in the previous version of the game could be re introduced.

Leo Yeo medal 5000 7 years 166 days ago
Well It's been a few days (a month to be exact), and I honestly can not see much difference in the transfer market. It's showing me the same staff over and over again, and I am sure the game has much more staff than what is being shown now so why do the better staff have to be hidden?
I just want to know if the filter system will ever be brought back, and if it will be then when?

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 166 days ago
Also, and I have made this point a few times in the past, why on earth would I want or even need to see a bunch of 1, 2 or 3 star staff. I can't imagine why anyone would entertain hiring one of these unless they are hell bent on being relegated. If that is the intention all they need to do is allow contracts to expire and let the game auto assign low level staff.

Lee Travis medal 5000 7 years 146 days ago
I agree Kevin, level 1-3 and imo level 4 staff are useless to the higher echelon teams, the transfer market is a ghost town, I've been waiting over a year for a good level 20 CD and TD but to no avail :( This really needs improving!

Rory G. Rojas medal 5000 7 years 145 days ago
It would be nice if you could find staff through filters.