Alessandro Bonifacivs medal 5000 7 years 184 days ago (edited 7 years 184 days ago)
When you were trying to join the race in Edge were you using the same wi-fi connection as with your android app?
When you say you can't join the race, do you mean the race viewer didn't load? How far were you able to see it load?
I've no clue about the music/sound issue. Make sure you check it is not turned off in account settings.
Nope, different connection. LAN/wifi (same network) or 4g same result. But later in the evening worked.
Race loaded veeery slowly (20-30) times slower than usual, no errors displayed (4g full signal/wifi/lan - Edge and Android app.
Music and sounds in the Android app are still dead. The proper settings are turned on...
Same on my friend's phone, from yesterday. Also did a clean installation. Can you report this issue?