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Several bugs now!

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medal 5000
7 years 184 days ago
Windows 10 - Edge
- can't join the race!
- no music (from many days...)

Android App
- no music, no sound (untill about 5 hours ago worked)
- can't join the race!

medal 5044
7 years 184 days ago
When you were trying to join the race in Edge were you using the same wi-fi connection as with your android app?
When you say you can't join the race, do you mean the race viewer didn't load? How far were you able to see it load?

I've no clue about the music/sound issue. Make sure you check it is not turned off in account settings.
medal 5000
7 years 184 days ago
I have the similiar problem early of this month wheter I am using LAN connection or 4G connection its hardly to join the live race. Its working when I manage to clean chache over the browser (for PC) or quitting the application for mobile phone. But another thing is when I manage to join the live race it doesnt work smoothly, after several minutes it became lagging or even stop at all. So when I having It, all I have to do is Quit the application or cleaning the chace and re-joining the live race again. I hope you guys can fix this so the game it self becoming fun rather than annoying. Cheers :)

Another thing. Why does the wet tier setting doesnt work at all. I set the car at 3mm rain than change tier to wet. But at 1.6 mm rain the car manage them self to enter the pit and change to wet tier. I mean, does the race setting at preparation really work 100%? this is the second times I have for the same issue. Thanks
medal 5000
7 years 184 days ago (edited 7 years 184 days ago)
When you were trying to join the race in Edge were you using the same wi-fi connection as with your android app?
When you say you can't join the race, do you mean the race viewer didn't load? How far were you able to see it load?

I've no clue about the music/sound issue. Make sure you check it is not turned off in account settings.

Nope, different connection. LAN/wifi (same network) or 4g same result. But later in the evening worked.
Race loaded veeery slowly (20-30) times slower than usual, no errors displayed (4g full signal/wifi/lan - Edge and Android app.

Music and sounds in the Android app are still dead. The proper settings are turned on...
Same on my friend's phone, from yesterday. Also did a clean installation. Can you report this issue?

medal 5044
7 years 183 days ago
Yes, I can report the issue.

On PC, can you delete your cache in the browser you use to access the race viewer? Then check loading the race viewer again to see if it loads better.

I am not sure if 4G is capable to load the race quickly — I strongly recommend 4G LTE.

What is the network speed, in Mbps, that you use wi-fi with? If the speed is not very fast then it can be a problem.
medal 5000
7 years 182 days ago
I'll check 4g speed...
Wifi/LAN speed 30/100 upload/download
medal 5044
7 years 182 days ago
So I will assume you are still unable to access the race viewer on PC or the app?

Try clearing the Cache in Edge, and try again.
If it still doesn't work, I recommend trying a different browser.

If you're in the app, try to delete the data and cache stored on your phone by the app and try again.

What is your phone model and the version number of the operating system? You can find it under About Device when looking in Settings of your phone.
medal 5000
7 years 181 days ago
About Edge, ok...i'ill try :) Tried also Internet Explorer, never worked for me the race.

In the app i cleared data and cache/also did a fresh install. However i am not alone...
No sounds:
- me on Galaxy s6 Android 6.0.1
- my friend on Galaxy Note 3 Android 5.1.1
- my 2nd phone (Galaxy Nexus)
- also another user (he says in the thread i've opened for the specific sound issue)

Worked like a charm for 1 year... and now... :/
medal 5044
7 years 181 days ago
Okay. I will ask our developers to see if they can sort this issue out. It may be a while to hear some news.
medal 5000
7 years 180 days ago
Thank you :)
medal 5000
7 years 178 days ago
Effects and music are back with the last update :)
medal 5000
7 years 178 days ago
Still no music with Edge but Android app is ok ;)
medal 5044
7 years 178 days ago
Interesting. It works in the app but not Edge...can you try clearing the cache on Edge?
medal 5000
7 years 175 days ago
After the last update to Android, i can't to entry to watch the races... it try to connect and dont get in..problem in the server the message and also reconnection (razor: 3). My network is 100 MB speed and I have a Galaxy S8.... Can anyone help me?
medal 5044
7 years 175 days ago
Hi Sergio, what is the operating system version of your Galaxy S8?
medal 5000
7 years 175 days ago
Hello Yunus! ANDROID 7.0 version
medal 5044
7 years 175 days ago
Does the problem happen over wi-fi, mobile data, or both?
medal 5000
7 years 175 days ago
Wifi! I can acess the menus and i do the training normaly in the wifi
medal 5000
7 years 174 days ago (edited 7 years 174 days ago)
Windows 10 edge fails to load race viewer, stalls at 94% says loading resources.
If I try to use chrome on same PC and connection, viewer loads but becomes jittery in both video and audio.
All was okay on Weds 20th Sept.
Have just tried on Firefox and appears to work ok.
At end of race using Firefox the following message appeared:
"An exception has occurred, but exception handling has been disabled in this build. If you are the developer of this content, enable exceptions in your project WebGL player settings to be able to catch the exception or see the stack trace."
medal 5044
7 years 174 days ago
Okay. I am going to have our developers check this thread out to see what more information they need.
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