Just had the Hungarian grand prix in our league. F1 Lewis Hamilton League at 5pm.
My driver Darren Ludlow-Skidmore every lap drove through the pits losing ground on the car in front each lap. He only stopped once as planned. But seeing him take that route every lap was disheartening and obviously a bug.
Thank you
If I'm looking at the correct driver and race you finished a whopping 6 SECONDS behind the race winner. There is no way you drove down pit lane every lap and finished 6 seconds behind.
Most likely a visual error, it probably looked like he was going through the pits but wasn't. Would be surprised if it was on the app
Francis Drake 5000 7 years 178 days ago (edited 7 years 178 days ago)
Exactly the same problem happened to one of my rivals in our championship's last race (that ended few minutes ago).
He kept saying his race was ruined cause his drivers kept going to box on every lap, without any reason...
But in the end he ended not far from podium places, so I think it was also for him just a visual error.
By the way, he was playing from smartphone app and he said that he also had many problems to check tyres status and he had DRS logo locked on all the time.
Thanks, I just heard also some other players in my league had same problems.
I'll ask them to write their own bug topic to get directly your support, but I don't know their English skills, so I'm not sure how many of them will be able to write on the forum.
Just to help, I collected the reports of two players:
- Serafino De Simone (F3RRARI SDM): he played with a LG G4 smartphone, using the Play Store app. After downloading the last update he had several bugs, like unstable framerate, no drivers time laps, cars coming back to box every lap and DRS and Boost icons always displayed over some of his rivals cars. He said before yesterday everything always worked fine.
- Gianmarco Ricci (Ciciretti Team): he played with a Samsung Galaxy S6, and experienced the exactly same problems, just after downloading the update. Before everything was fine also for him.
I heard also other players experienced same bugs, so they switched platforms, from smartphone to pc.
I'll ask them to write their experiences in a new thread, but just in case I hope you could get enough info from this very post.
I also need to know their Android operating system versions in order to help narrow down the cause of their issues.
The issues with driver practice laps not returning data may be due to the game experiencing peak usage at various times. Perhaps if they try at a slightly earlier or later time than usual they can get their cars setup until the game can scale its capacity and stability of service even further.
The cars boxing every lap is a visual error, they aren't going to the pits, it is just a misalignment in the racing line that is displayed.
The DRS and boost icons being always displayed is another visual error, they are not actually being ran the whole race, only when they are actually being used or permitted to use (for DRS).
I had it too.
on a iPhone 7. DRS stuck, KERS was all the way on at opponents and i was driving thru the pit every lap. Did not finished first within a few sec, was visual bug for sure. Maybe lost a few 0.10's a lap because of it, i don't know...
Can you please let me know what track you are encountering this on?
Please be assured it is most definitely a visual bug and the car does not actually go through the pits.
It would be interesting to know if everyone in the same race is seeing the same thing with the same car too.
To complete my previous report:
- Serafino De Simone (F3RRARI SDM) was using an LG G4 with Android 6.0.
- Gianmarco Ricci (Ciciretti Team) was using a Galaxy S6 with Android 7.0.
They both had problems on the Spanish GP.
Yesterday we had the Monaco GP, and for Gianmarco Ricci everything seemed fine, just some little problems with pilots names.
Serafino De Simone had again some big problems, but in a totally different way. His drivers didnt come back to the box in the right timing and run out of fuel, and only then they came to box.
I also experienced myself some minor bugs about the pit stop timing, but nothing so serious to write a report. Anyway, I'll keep an eye on this feature in the next races, and then I'll decide to write a proper thread about it or not.
I had this last night in Monaco.
Race ID : https://igpmanager.com/app/d=result&id=5310554&tab=race
After his first stop Irvine's pit light stayed flashing and every time he passed the pits he entered the pits. He clearly drove down the pit lane at full speed while my other drive continued as normal down the main straight.
The viewer was a fair bit glitchy so I left the race shortly after.
Device : Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo
OS : Marshmallow 6.0.1
App Version : Latest? Updated yesterday.
It happened to me as well. Log out and log in again from the race and everything will be fine. it's just a glitch, the pilot is not really entering the pit.
It happened to me as well. Log out and log in again from the race and everything will be fine. it's just a glitch, the pilot is not really entering the pit.