Garwish The cat medal 5004 7 years 177 days ago
I have to problem on the second driver to test drive on the setup on the car. And all setup lose while I save all... also there are that have to fix car, but all parts are okei and motor chance.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 177 days ago
Hi, please try setting your drivers as active again by re-selecting them to be active on the Drivers & Staff page.
If the problem persists, please provide a screenshot of the issue.

Garwish The cat medal 5004 7 years 177 days ago
I have been done that. Its help little now i can save on the setup but all test lap says at the all setup is ok, doesn't matter what there are.

Garwish The cat medal 5004 7 years 177 days ago
And setup lap doesn't register on the table. Only my others drivers best lap time is practice lap time table.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 176 days ago
Hi Kimmo, if this is still happening, please take a screenshot and post a link to it here so I can see what's going on.