Sam Leo medal 5000 7 years 170 days ago
XP gain by lower level teams is much in my opinion.
Current a 12 level team get 200 xp points if a 20 level team in tier.
That fast leveling leads some problems i think
a) hard to manage economy by new players as they try to level headquarters as fast as they level
b) many players drop a team to a tier with high level players only to level fast and never play online.
c) same as "a" New players is like new real drivers with a ferrari as first car;)
d) if 2 players start together on the same league and one got promoted the other next season would be a big gap.
I think we should lower a bit xp bonus for lower teams and give them some time to learn.
thanks in advance

Carter McCarthy medal 5000 7 years 166 days ago
so you want new players, to level slower than everyone else? ridiculous idea, it would make the game unfair for new comers, and you'd be widening the gap between rookies and elites. The game has to be fair FOR ALL not just the select few. Try remembering when you were a lower level, you probably couldn't wait to level up to get the better drivers in the Transfers, or gain the bigger points from design or unlock the better youth academy drivers. Everyone starts somewhere, and if the rookies are leveling fast then great for them, they are learning well, that is probably why they are leveling so fast because they are grasping the game faster, did you ever think of that? probably not.
Before ripping on the rookies think before you type.

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 164 days ago
@Mike: To clarify how xp gain in this game works, it depends on your level and the highest leveled manager in your tier. If you're level 12 and the highest in your tier is level 13, you will get the base 40xp + (20*1)xp [20 * levels behind highest leveled manager. If you're the highest or tied highest, it's +0] = 60xp. By contrast, if you're lvl 12 and have a lvl 20 manager in your tier, you'll get 40xp + (20*8)xp = 200xp. It has nothing to do with your race results or how well you perform.
While I don't agree with lowering xp gain in general (would prefer if there was a better in-game guide or tutorial for newer players), I think a better way to word Sam's point is that it is possible to level up fast in this game without necessarily having to put in any work; an active manager and a manager who's abandoned their account in the same tier with a level 20 manager would get the same high xp gains. As such, it means that a higher leveled player in this game may not necessarily be a more experienced one. Not to take anything away from those who put in work, of course.
Personally I think it's going to be hard to regulate xp gains anyway, and people won't like it if the grinding is going to be made tougher since they'd prefer to get a competitive HQ and team quicker. Since the new iGP, Tech levels have also gained considerable importance, as it's crucial for a bigger tank of KERS and a more powerful DRS flap that can only come with higher manager levels allowing for higher max HQ levels. Some experienced players create private leagues to grind up their newer teams too. So rather than regulating xp gains I'd prefer to go for better guides & feedback for newer players.

Frank Thomas medal 5000 Moderator 7 years 164 days ago (edited 7 years 163 days ago)
I'm not sure if that boost is the problem in itself or the xp system itself. Below level 8-10 it's very quick and you level faster than you ever could properly develop your team, at least without spending lots of tokens. Above level 12-14 it's rather slow especially if you're racing in a league around your level and it must feel almost at a standstill if you race less than every second day. This indeed encourages to place your team into a high level daily league even if you don't have the time to attend most of the races, or worse that league with that nice open slot races at an inconvenient time, and even though the team doesn't have a chance there discouraging participation in the game even more, just in the hope to speed up leveling with intention to really play once the team has a level to 'race properly'. Only that path compIetely neglects the player side of manager development and thus I highly doubt things would work out like that.
So I think that the leveling steepness should be lowered, slower at start and maybe slightly faster towards the end, compared to racing in a decently high level daily league. But there should be other XP sources and not just completing a race. What I have in mind could be:
-XP based on points, so the bonus on per race XP depending on competition level somewhat acts as a counterweight for the lower chance on points
-XP for entering a race with setup and strategy
-XP for attending
-XP for race but with a bonus factor if the league isn't racing daily. Not as high to make it equal to a daily league but even racing once weekly shouldn't take (much) longer than twice the time. We are talking about years here.

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 164 days ago
Ups, wrong account. To avoid any confusion why a manager without any race to his belt should talk like that: The post above is from me.

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 164 days ago
I like Daniel's ideas on XP sources as they reward players who are more active. While there are players who are less active and who don't do a setup or strategy and so on, and it's all right if they want to play at their own pace, at least active players & players who try to finish higher in the championship can feel more rewarded if an XP system similar to Dan's were in place.
As it stands, the current XP system and sponsors system actually benefit inactive players quite a bit. On sponsors: bonuses are based solely on the previous race's results. So an inactive manager who finishes at the back every time would hit the bonus more often than someone who gets a shock win or podium for their level and has their sponsor objectives fluctuate massively (protip for people struggling with finances and competing for high positions in races: Get a sponsor that gives you 3 tokens per race [iracing, etc.], with the 2nd sponsor giving you the largest guaranteed cash payment [WTF1]).
As such, you can basically build up your manager level, finances, and team in this game without actually having to play atm.