Rik Kapitein medal 5000 7 years 110 days ago
So in the race this evening, one of my cars didn't pit. Right at the start/finish line, the car had 0.0 fuel. This car had to retire, sadly. I didn't come near the 'cancel pit'-button, since I prepared everything already two laps earlier.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 110 days ago
Hi Rik, I'm not sure what has happened here, so I'll ask one of our developers to investigate.

Rik Kapitein medal 5000 7 years 107 days ago
I wonder if you've found the problem already? Luckily it didn't happen again so far, but I don't want it to happen in the future either.

Luitzen de Leeuw medal 5955 7 years 104 days ago
Hi, I compete in the same competition as Rik. Last race I had the same problem. One of my drivers had to pit, but suddenly canceled it and kept on going with 0.0 fuel. It's sad to see because I'm 100% sure I boxed him. He retired and lost any possible points. I hope you can find and solve this bug.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 103 days ago
Hi Rik and Luitzen, though I've documented your reports on this, the developers have not yet had a moment to take a look into this. When there is news available I will try my best to update here.