Ben DJ medal 5000 7 years 79 days ago
Since this morning, it is impossible to get free new parts.
There is this error message : "Video ads are currently unavailable".
I don't need quickly new parts, but I get free new parts frequently to keep a large stock.

Mini_Glue Mini_Glue medal 5000 7 years 78 days ago
Same problem here.
Everytime after the second ad which is for the game 1010! (Tetris like) I've got the message "ads aren't available" I need to wait a little while (like 10min), and do it again but then again after the 1010! ad it bugs again...
And it's been a while now it is lasting, like 2 weeks from now.
It's just that damn ad that creates the bug because sometimes the second ad (after C.A.T.S, always) is the war boat game (very rare) and it works...

Giannis Tapeinopoulos medal 5000 7 years 78 days ago
I have the same problem for the last 3 - 4 days. But with me there are no ads at all. It desplays the following message: Video ads are currently unavailable.

Mini_Glue Mini_Glue medal 5000 7 years 78 days ago
Ok, I had to say it does the bug on 1010! to now get the bug at the first ad (C.A.T.S)
It worked perfect not so long ago...
I'm on ZenFone 2, Android 5.0

Jaz Azanza medal 5000 7 years 76 days ago
Hi. I'm also having the same problem for several days to a week now. It says "Video ads are currently unavailable". I tried to uninstall/install the game; restart phone but to no avail. Same result.