Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 353 days ago
say i have a driver at lvl 10 and im only lvl 4, what i be able to bid on a lvl 10 ( not in market, theyd have been found) and bid on them?
im lvl 7 right now have a driver on her way to 9 and just wanted to know.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 353 days ago
You can only employ staff at the same level (or below) that you are.
You shouldn't be able to access their details on the available staff page either.
If you can bid on a driver, or any other staff, who is above your level some other way, then i think this must be a bug and should be reported.

Matthew Fraser medal 5000 12 years 353 days ago
You cant bid on a driver higher than your level i have tryed it dont work. i have lvl 11 drivers but am only lvl 8 nearly level 9.