Marty Davis medal 5000 7 years 54 days ago
Salve, ho venduto il mio pilota all'asta ma non ho ricevuto il denaro. Aspetto risposta grazie

Facundo Zanuttini medal 5000 7 years 54 days ago
Forse era a basso costo, guarda le finanze

Marty Davis medal 5000 7 years 54 days ago
No ho visto, dovevo trovarmi 5,5 mila in più e nn me li trovo. Il pilota è stato venduto all'asta ma a me non sono stati accreditati i soldi. Aspetto risposta grazie

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 53 days ago
Please write in English outside of the foreign language forum.
Cash received from pilots sold at auction appear in Finances under the description of Signing Fees. I see in your account history you signed a driver whose signing fees were $5.3 million and sold him 3 hours later, and the same for another pilot whose signing fees were $4.3 million.

Marty Davis medal 5000 7 years 53 days ago
after the sale of the pilot I have not been credited with the money.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 52 days ago
Did this happen on the account you are posting with or another account?