Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 39 days ago (edited 7 years 34 days ago)
Help please... Test run just keeps loading while thr car is out on thr track, i had to log out then log in to see result, but no fuel and tire data... just wing suspension and ride height is giving feedbacks.
And btw i just have won the championship and left the league cause ive been promoted to elite with just 2 players (me included)
So question is, why's my driver (level9) not credited with the championship in his stats. I was thinkin it may help boost his value since i tried to list him few days ago, to my surprise he's only worth 4m (with 10's and 11's driving ability and 20stamina, he's worth a noob driver)
Hi, sorry about the issue with test runs. Please try running them at a slightly different time to prevent the problem.
For the issue you have with the driver's championship, this will be fixed, as there was an error, however, it will take some time.