tony hyde medal 5000 7 years 42 days ago
Like the title says, I am about a 1/3 of the way thru the season and my car design reset.
Please help! I am finally fighting for points and this happens

Peter Welzenbach medal 5000 7 years 42 days ago
Soooo ich habe mal ein kleines rätsel für euch.....
Bin heute morgen online gegangen und festgestellt das mein auto repariert war,das auto viel mehr designpunkte hatte und die punkte plötzlich gleichmäßig verteilt waren.
Hatte vorher beschleunigung kraftstoff und reifen auf 40-42
Die kühlung und zuverlässigkeit auf 8
Alles andere auf ca 21-23
Plötzlich heute morgen waren dann die werte alle auf ca 30-32 designpunkte
Und reifenverschleiß nur auf 17.......achja das auto war auch komplett repariert und ich bin plötzlich eine sekunde schneller als mein konkurent....der aber im vorgerigen rennen ne halbe sekunde schneller war als ich^^
So das wars eigentlich...achja den fahrer hatte ich noch vor den setup gewechselt,sonst nix.
MFG ':(

Tony Hyde medal 5000 7 years 42 days ago
Mine were repaired too without me repairing them. in my other league, when the season was over, i got promoted to PRO and my car stats went, up, is this not normal?
Meine wurden auch repariert, ohne dass ich sie reparierte. In meiner anderen Liga, als die Saison zu Ende war, wurde ich zu PRO befördert und meine Auto-Statistiken gingen nach oben, ist das nicht normal?

Jason Cooke medal 5000 7 years 42 days ago
Same reset happened to me too yesterday. Reset out of the blue in the middle of the season. First time it's happened to me.

Jason Cooke medal 5000 7 years 42 days ago
Looks like about 5 of so far have reported it. Maybe it was some glitch associated with the end of the month?

Frank Thomas medal 5000 Moderator 7 years 41 days ago (edited 7 years 41 days ago)
It's seems to be a glitch of the server/database not properly registering a league change. Everyone affected by this bug so far has recently switched leagues and their former leagues started into a new season. Due to that bug this causes a car reset even for teams that left those leagues in the last few weeks (during last season perhaps).

tony hyde medal 5000 7 years 41 days ago
Does it fix at the beginning of next season? I was about to start fighting for 3rd, but now it's going to be impossible

Frank Thomas medal 5000 Moderator 7 years 41 days ago
I don't know what happens at the end of your current leagues season and there are several possibilities. For example
1) Your car doesn't reset and you keep the car from this season, maybe until your old league resets you again. Or maybe this blocks the league season change. There were reports of leagues becoming stuck in the season change update, but that easily could be just another problem in this series of troubles currently.
2) You reset again but then the question is if your car development pool was just reset as well, if yes then you would get a car with about 2/3rd of your normal starting design points.
In any case, best would be if the devs could fix the cause and effects in time.
Edit: Peter has tomorrow the last season race, maybe he'll report what happens.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 7 years 41 days ago
I wasn't aware that nobody had replied to this thread. I fixed the underlying bug as soon as it was brought to my attention, yesterday. This doesn't mean the teams who were hit by it have a solution... the only solution may be to give you design points that you can assign to your cars.
The bug was only for people who had changed leagues mid-season to join another one and so they had an "entry" in two leagues (even if they are only active in one). An efficiency update we did recently left a kind of loophole in the code whereby when the season ended in the old league, the manager who changed leagues mid-season got their designs reset. If you check your league history, you will see your previous league season ended when the designs reset - so there is the full explanation of what happened. This is why it only affected a few people who were in this special case.

Rafael Dąbrowski medal 5000 7 years 41 days ago
When can you expect a refund of points? I also reported the same problem on support@igpgames.com

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 41 days ago
Like the title says, I am about a 1/3 of the way thru the season and my car design reset.
Please help! I am finally fighting for points and this happens
I've fixed your car design and sent you some tokens to make up for the inconvenience.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 41 days ago
Peter, I did not understand, can you explain again? I did not see any issues.

John Doe medal 5000 7 years 41 days ago
Pq que os pontos de desing estão diminuindo quando passa para outra temporada?
Já aconteceu isso na minha liga 3 vezes.

Rogério Mandler medal 5000 7 years 41 days ago
Final de temporada, todo carro é piorado, e começa a temporada com um design baseado nos atributos do teu chefe de design, do teu diretor técnico e talvez da tua sede, no quesito pontos de design, Se não acontecesse isso, todo mundo chegaria no máximo em 2-3 temporadas e os funcionários e a tua sede, na parte do design, seriam inúteis.
Quando tu muda de liga, tu também entra com carro bem piorado.

Frank Thomas medal 5000 Moderator 7 years 40 days ago
Peter, I did not understand, can you explain again? I did not see any issues.
While he also is affected by this bug his new car was actually better than the old. Although he might have an issue in a few hours when his current season ends, because it was only 2-3 races after that reset and it might be that only those 2-3 races worth of development went into the new car.

tony hyde medal 5000 7 years 40 days ago
Thanks Jack and Yunus! I can fight again!

Frank Thomas medal 5000 Moderator 7 years 40 days ago
OK, Peter Welzenbachs season ended and the car development pool was indeed also reseted. He mentions his new car started with 1-2 design points everywhere into the next season, due to the few races after this bug.
@Yunus: Could you look into this? I answered him he should post here as well again but I suppose it would be nice if this could be fixed before he logs in again. ;-)

Enrico Moretti medal 5000 7 years 39 days ago
I’ve got the sa e problem mod can you FIA my problem too?

Enrico Moretti medal 5000 7 years 39 days ago
Fix not FIA

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 39 days ago
Hi Enrico! Sorry for the late action.
I fixed your design, added some tokens to your account, and left some free design points to use wherever you'd like.