Utomo Rachmadi medal 5000 6 years 366 days ago
I encountered some bugs:
1.stamina 10 minutes before the race starts 55% and the race finishes to 72%
2.speedometer is not accurate, car stop speed 300km / h
3. ads do not appear but can directly part free
The result of the tire research shows the number 53 but in the lower statistics of the other teams, I see my control research 55 which should have my research tattooed almost parallel but not.

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 6 years 366 days ago
About this third "bug", I think you probably have some boost on tire economy and this bonus don't appear.
Please read this

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 6 years 363 days ago
Hi Utomo, we are aware of all of these bugs. The third one is purposely manufactured by us until we are able to resolve the problem with ads.