Jock Bauer medal 5000 6 years 362 days ago
I am having to press menu buttons at least twice before the pages open. Also tried to bid on staff but just got a small clock symbol above the bid button. This is the same problem as when the servers were running slow.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 6 years 361 days ago
Is this only at certain times of day or all the time? Is this on iOS or Android?

Jock Bauer medal 5000 6 years 360 days ago
All the time. On ios iphone and ipad

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 6 years 359 days ago
Hi Jock, so you do not see a timer next to the clock symbol above the bid button?
Please try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network or try to use mobile data to see if the clock appears. Additionally, if you're using a VPN this may also be the root of your problems with pressing menu buttons and/or bidding.
If you're using the app and that doesn't help, please delete the cache and data stored by the app on your device, then try re-installing the app. If you're on a computer, please delete the cache and cookies of your browser.
Let me know if any of this works for you!