Kensei Yoshida medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
Opened game and show only black screen

Shubham Kale medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
Same issue here! Please sort it out asap. Thank you.

Victor Bardettis medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
Also same issue here (in France) can you fix it we have a race tonight :)

Shubham Kale medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
I am from India. Re-installed the game thrice, still no chnage! Got a race in 4 hours time. Everytime I open the game, the home screen appears but without any data or options, itsi just blank. Please help.

Hafiz D-Vision medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
I have race in a hour and not setup yet!

Carter McCarthy medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
i have the same issue in both my Tablet and Phone, laptop still seems to work alright though, I've uninstalled and reinstalled, nothing, the App isn't working anymore i cant even log in, i click sign in but the screen doesn't change, only changes if i hit log in with facebook and i haven't linked my facebook as i never use it

Jim Shields medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
It is working on my phone but isn't on my tablet. I too have uninstalled and reinstalled but won't log in. Hope it is rectified soon!!..

Marco De Matteis medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
Hi, same for me...just black screen...tried to reset phone, reinstall game and opening from google play and from internet...nothing is working and I need to race in perfect condition to hope gain 1 point and remain in elite

Tommaso Lofano medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
also from Italy, same black screen

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 6 years 326 days ago (edited 6 years 326 days ago)
Have you tried clearing data / cache for the app? I cannot reproduce the issue on Android or Web.
I am investigating now but until I can make this happen I can't understand why it is happening.
EDIT: Please try again now. I have a suspicion of what it is but can't know until someone reports it.

Ricky Impey medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
Same here in the UK. On Android, black screen. Cleared data, cleared cache, restarted phone. Now can't log in with email. Seems to be struggling to get the connection it needs with the server.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 6 years 326 days ago
Ricky, please try again now. I have received reports that the fix I just uploaded is working.

Jari K medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
Not working for me either. Mobile app shows only black screen. I tried my computer too but can't log in as logging screen says that username or password incorrect. I know my username and password for 100% sure.
EDIT: Somehow I'm logged in and in Web browser game shows the main site. But if I click example "next race" nothing happens. So I only see the main screen but the links in left tab doesn't work.
I also have a race in one hour and can't practice or put my tactics.

Kensei Yoshida medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
Cleared, deleted, reinstalled, now the home page is loaded, but cant use anything

José Trujillo medal 5393
Community Manager 6 years 326 days ago
I just tried it and it works well for me. Try closing the app from multitasking and reopening it

Tony Maloney medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
it loads but can’t get off the home screen

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 6 years 326 days ago
Everything should be working now. Apologies for this interruption to normal service. If anyone has any issues they'd like resolved as a result of not being able to access the site earlier please email support@igpgames.com.

Tony Maloney medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
seems to be ok now

Jim Shields medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
Mine loads on the phone, still won' open email login on the tablet and when I go on the phone it won' let me select anything in the menu bar so stuck on the home page..

Kensei Yoshida medal 5000 6 years 326 days ago
Thx, here good now