Edwin Stanton medal 5560 6 years 273 days ago
When I tried logging into today today's race I was not able to complete the log on. When it reaches the third and final step, if fails 'negotiating' reason 3 (maybe that's what happened with Trump and the G7 as well?). I had the Hulk ask The Flash is he was updated and Flash reported that he is and that he doesn't need anyone's permission to run, so the Hulk is satisfied that Flash is up to date and running (it pasted the exam on Adobe's site). I also tried loading with Edge but also had the same result. Please let me know if I need to update or change something on my end. Thank you.

Lorenzo Bertelli medal 5000 6 years 273 days ago
Me too...
Both with mobile app and computer using Chrome.
I suppose it's a problem connected with our league

James Lodge medal 5000 6 years 273 days ago
Same problem with our league. Nobody can connect. Again

Steve Ok medal 5000 6 years 273 days ago
Same problem with mine.
Tried on iPad S8 & S9 and will not connect. Reason code 3
Extremely annoying

Edwin Stanton medal 5560 6 years 273 days ago
The league main page is still showing the race in progress long after it should have ended so it sounds like something went wrong. I do not know if it is system wide or a bug with this league race. Thank you again

Flavio Buzi medal 5000 6 years 273 days ago
same problem. The fact is: rookie and pro is ok, but in the èlite league we are still with the main page showing the race in progress.
The race start at 21:30

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 6 years 273 days ago
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