Old Jack medal 5000 12 years 301 days ago (edited 12 years 301 days ago)
I think about stopping to play iGPM at the end of the current season.
I'm hardly missing a option to complete delete my account - as I don't want to end as a statistics cadaver.
After a quick lookaround I assume a mimimum of 1000 of the actual managers are dead bodies.

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 301 days ago
Write a ticket at your helpdesk and they will delete your Account.
Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 301 days ago
Did you read the PM a couple of days ago? Because I did explain this in it. Or were you having trouble finding the Helpdesk? If so I will improve its visibility.

Old Jack medal 5000 12 years 301 days ago
OK now I found it.
It did take three inruns to find as I expected a normal function, and not a simple link in the small print...

Tamás Horváth medal 5000 7 years 146 days ago
The link does not work. :/

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 146 days ago
The help desk has been removed and any inquiries for special assistance are handled by e-mailing support@igpgames.com.