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Pit stops issues

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medal 5000
6 years 168 days ago

I was unable to attend my race yesterday but I’ve just looked at the results and spotted an issue with the pit stops 

My first pit stop happened without a problem I had 2.6 fuel for a 2.5 lap, the car pitted with 0.1 fuel left 

The second and third pit stop had the issue on both stints I had 2.6 fuel left exactly the same as the first stint but the game pitted me both times a lap early despite having enough fuel to do the extra lap 

Something else I noticed was strange is when the game pitted me at the end of the race because I was 2 laps short of fuel due to the issues 

My last lap time was the same as the lap before I pitted despite having 25 litres more in fuel in the car 

I did take screenshot but I don’t know how to upload them to here 

Dues this issues I actually finished 3rd instead of 1st missed my objective and lost money and points in the championship 

Edit: This is the race
medal 5000 Moderator
6 years 168 days ago
Yes, the auto-pit issue is known. Actually it might be quite a bit better now because some weeks ago it probably would've pitted you in your first stint as well. The problem is that reducing it even more and there's a good chance that peoples cars will run out of fuel before reaching the pits/finish line and in the worst case even retire occasionally. During your later stints that might've actually happen. The average speed increases during a race and with it, very slightly, the fuel consumption and I did notice with races with the pits behind the finish line that even though my car actually did run out of fuel in the pit lane the report still says 0.1l left since it measures at the finish line and also rounds up, so 0.1 could easily be 0.05l which doesn't last long at all. On the other hand, in that setting the first stint is often the longest and the last the shortest.

I can't see those equal lap times. The laps before were 1:27.281, 1:27.000 and finally 1:27.712 which should be without pits something of 1:26.800-1:27.100. After the pits you got a 1:44.329 which should be around 1:28 give or take a few tenths of a second and a last lap of 1:27.758. That's about a good second slower than before, that's at the lower end of my expectations for Turkey but looks all right.
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