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Error in practise

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medal 5000
6 years 149 days ago (edited 6 years 149 days ago)
so I managed to complete my first lap but had an error on my second. Then my lap times increased massively from 1.33 to 1.39.

Has the weather system been put back on as it’s now showing rain but was dry.
medal 5000
6 years 149 days ago
Hi mate, it showed dry for me, but my setup was now off and about 10 slower but had rain cloud beside time. Then second lap, showed raining, about same lap time on softs. Next lap showed dry, but my reds where about 5 seconds slower then hards with 10% energy. Mine stuffed up to. About 7:00pm Australia
medal 5000
6 years 149 days ago
The real time weather was turned back on Wednesday morning UK time.

I have looked into your practice laps and the weather at the time.

You took your first practice at 6:48 UTC which at the time it was cloudy and the track was bone dry.

2 minutes after that at 6:50 UTC it started to rain for 10 minutes.

At 07:00 UTC the track is still damp as it had been raining but the weather had changed back to cloudy.

Your other practice laps happened at 07:05 UTC 5 minutes after the weather turned back cloudy after the rain.

As for your 2nd lap I believe the practice information just didn't reply in time for the time to be shown correctly in the UI and should now show the correct times if you refresh your browser or navigate away from that screen and come back.

We are constantly looking at ways we can improve the experience in all aspects and one of the ways we hope to make practice information better is to contain the track wetness too, so if it is cloudy but your lap times are slow it would be because it had been raining.
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