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Pit for fuel

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medal 5010 Moderator
6 years 122 days ago

I write this report to inform that I've got a big issue with the fuel and the auto-pit button. The #9 RP Force India (in P5) had an scheduled pit stop on the 44th lap, for the 3rd (and last time) during the Bahrain iGP. The #9 crosses the line starting the 45th lap (end of the 3rd stint), but it hasn't come into the pits, so in the 6th turn the gas tank is empty and without fuel, she entered the pits in P13 and exited in P22. Isn't supposed that the automatic pit SHOULD prevent these failures?

Gerard V

I add the details (#9 Chelsea T. Young strategy below)
Stint 1 (Lap 1 to lap 16)
Stint 2 (Lap 17 to lap 30) [url=
Stint 3 (Lap 31 to lap 45) [url=
Stint 4 (Lap 46 to lap 57) [url=
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