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Extreme last minute weather ch

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medal 5021
6 years 117 days ago
I thought this was sorted in the last update.. clearly not.. 
How can a track be dry all day, practise, qualy. Then 5 mins b4 race kicks off all of a sudden its full on monsoon. I had everything set up for dry 7.46pm then it was full on monsoon 7.55pm but qualy was dry..    lol seriously!?
So unless ur lucky to catch this in the 4 mins before cut off the race is pretty much void..

Also when it rains it causes bugs. Mainly refusing to let you cancel auto pit. From the start of the race the fuel messurements were all off..

But really cant we cut these last minute extreme weather changes. It totally unrealistic and 100% annoying.

Mini rant over : /
medal 5000
6 years 116 days ago
Never stop ranting, they need to learn

I have ppl in spain in my league, it was not raining it spain yet the rac
e was fully wet?

Same as above, set up done all dry then at race time its wet.

For god sake stop with the pretend live weather.

medal 5088
6 years 47 days ago
Dramatic changes in the weather are on the developers radar. Although, I don't think this particular instance is a bug.

It can happen from time to time that everything up into qualifying can be dry, however, within a few minutes the race can be completely covered in rain.

We've also switched weather providers so we will see how things play out. If it occurs again please make a new thread, and please supply more information about the amount of rain, rather than describing it as 'monsoon'. Thanks!
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