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Tyres Bug

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medal 5000
6 years 93 days ago (edited 6 years 93 days ago)
Hello! I come here to inform a BUG that is occurring directly in the choice of Tires right now I chose Intermediate tire and the game places me with SS tires and with 3mm of rain until I get to log I lost the race and it has been happening this straight without saying in the fights of the game that the car wins 1s as in the last race I entered first in the oxes and soon after 5s behind the third impossible place being that they had made a pit before
s demim. sincerely I stop playing the IGP as other myths I'm a fan of the game but it's becoming intractable these bugs I lose every day 2hrs getting ready for the races and running for nothing. I express my total indignation at these facts.
medal 5000
6 years 93 days ago
This has happened to a lot of people, I suggest that they should make it so it will not rain, temperature can still be normal.
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