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Wtf 11 lap race

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medal 5000
6 years 72 days ago
So made a mistake and started on inters as I had not long done a practise before it showed rain so thought can’t be that much water surly in 10 mins. 5.0mm rain. Wtf anyway pitted straight away for full wets heavy fuel, turns around to do something looks back I’m back on inters?? Wtf came in again put full wets on for it to put me straight after for inters. At this point it wouldn’t let me cancel the put requests that I had not made, I had to leave and come back in. Pitted again for full wets and again it wanted me to put after for inters. I had to cancel each lap until suddenly it stopped raining stayed on wets then rain went from 5.0 to 0.5 in a second wtf. So I pitted for mediums left it looked back I was on inters. Had to put again to put mediums on and again cancel each lap because it automatic wanted me to come in for inters until the water had fully gone then I could let the game run on it’s own. 11 laps and I finished 20th I should have been fighting for podium.
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