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3 races in the same day

This thread is closed because it is solved.
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6 years 14 days ago (Last edited by Luiz Oliveira 6 years 14 days ago)
O que você estava tentando fazer?
We can't do anything until the race is in progress, but there isn't a race in progress.

O que ocorreu de fato?
We are with all the actions blocked because the game says we have a race in progress, but is appearing 3 races in the same day, being 2 at the same time, this problem affected all the league members, follow this link to see the screenshots

And below the league link, we would like to re-run Bahrein and Spain races, if possible:

O problema ocorre usando WiFi, internet móvel, ou ambos?

O bug ocorreu no aplicativo, PC ou ambos?

Qual o modelo do seu celular?
Redmi Note 5A

Qual o sistema operacional?

Qual a versão do seu sistema operacional?
Android Nougat 7.1.2 (MiUI 10.2 Global stable)

Qual é o sistema operacional do seu computador?
The members are using Windows 7, 8 & 10 versions

Em qual navegador ocorreu o problema?
Chrome and app, with all the members

É possível reproduzir o problema?
Yes, you can enter the league to see, but is a private league, pm me if you wanna see the league

Comentários adicionais:
6 years 14 days ago
Estou com o mesmo problema aqui, todas as opções travadas e diz que estou em uma corrida ao vivo, sendo que a corrida acabou 7 horas atrás 
6 years 14 days ago
screenshots of the bug
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