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Changes to level XP (Quick Races & League Races)

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medal 5239 CEO & CTO
5 years 261 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 5 years 261 days ago)
After the release of Quick Races we listened to your feedback about balancing progression and competition within leagues. Today's changes are a first step in that direction. We have also been brainstorming the future of the new Quick Races system and have some really great ideas for how to integrate it with all of our upcoming plans for iGP Manager.

What's changed today?

  • When in a league, you no longer earn XP from Quick Races. Your level XP gains become tied to the league.

  • Level XP gains from leagues have been restored to previous levels

  • If you are not in a league, you can earn level XP from Quick Races at a rate of 10XP per race for up to 10 races per day.

Note: As with the first release, remember that we are still at the beginning of the development of this system and it will constantly evolve. This is simply a first step to better balance XP. Larger updates can be implemented further down the line.

What are the expected and intended outcomes of these changes?

  • Level XP gains from leagues have been restored to previous levels - this should allow lower level managers to catch higher level managers more quickly if they are racing together in a league.

  • Quick Races can still earn level XP outside of a league - We have maintained the ability to earn level XP from Quick Races, and for some it will be faster than they can earn it in a league, but the balance of parts/engines does not favour playing this way currently. This is temporary and larger long-term plans will eventually address this and other concerns.

  • Quick Races now earn 10 level XP per race and up to 100 level XP per day - This is quite a dramatic reduction to coincide with the rise / restoration of level XP from leagues to a higher level. This is intended to balance the gains obtainable from both and to make it less attractive to leave a league just to gain level XP, as we want to ensure leagues are still the main focus.

Essentially, this is the just step 1 towards implementing what people voted for in our Future of Quick Races poll. We will now continue brainstorming how to evolve the systems before we come back to you with more news.

EDIT 14:32 GMT - I have revised the wording to remove references to 'Option A' from the recent poll (linked above) as it was clearly causing confusion as to what we are actually doing here. This is an interim update moving towards implementing 'Option B' which people voted for. The first few replies immediately following this might not make much sense until you know that. This post was initially worded differently and its meaning was misunderstood.
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago
Yeah, but option A had the least votes!
Why didn't you progress with option B/C?
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago (Last edited by Kieran Taylor 5 years 261 days ago)
What was the point of that poll? You should of just changed it with out the poll, now you just gonna irritate people, you not seen the aftermath of brexit and boaty mcboatface? 
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago
Please restore sponsor income for league racing to its previous level. Thanks. 
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago
Hardly worth the bother of doing them then when it's costly on parts / engine and driver fatigue.
medal 5034
5 years 261 days ago

Hardly worth the bother of doing them then when it's costly on parts / engine and driver fatigue.

That was my motivation and the races I did were massively under subscribed as they were. I suspect there will be a further decrease in quick race activity.

medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago
What was the point of that poll? You should of just changed it with out the poll, now you just gonna irritate people, you not seen the aftermath of brexit and boaty mcboatface? 

Wow...bringing Brexit into this debate! :-D @Kieran Option A is the easiest one to do, and is needed to stop people running those Quick Races in auto mode, just for the XP gain. It also saves server resources, which are better utilised for the normal league races.

Options B and C have not been ruled out..they are a lot more complicated, and take more time to implement :)
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
5 years 261 days ago
Yeah, but option A had the least votes!
Why didn't you progress with option B/C?

We are progressing with Option B, however it said in every choice that Option A was included within it. I will reword my original post to remove all references to "Option A" as that was clearly misleading and creating confusion.

Option A was available on its own with no changes to the current system, or bundled with Option B or C which were both major changes. Implementing "Option A" is only step 1 towards implementing Option B or C, and that is where we are now, on the way to implementing what people voted for.

Hardly worth the bother of doing them then when it's costly on parts / engine and driver fatigue.

My post above states: "the balance of parts/engines do not favour playing this way currently. This is temporary and larger long-term plans will eventually address this and other concerns."
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago
Hi there can't we have where you get extra pinot if you get the fastest lap like in the real f1 races 
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
5 years 261 days ago

That was my motivation and the races I did were massively under subscribed as they were. I suspect there will be a further decrease in quick race activity.

We are okay with that for now, the current move is simply a step towards where we're going. Quick Races for now are a supplement not intended to replace league racing. We have realised that we need to separate them entirely from leagues  and I think everyone is going to love the new system we're now working on, which is an evolution of Option B from the poll.
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago
Thanks...the separation is necessary to keep the original stated intention of quick races being a supplement to the heart and soul of iGP a vibrant conglomeration of leagues.
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago
How can I race outside of a league if drivers would not be able to restore health?
medal 5011 Super Mod
5 years 261 days ago
How can I race outside of a league if drivers would not be able to restore health?

Actually, they do restore health outside Leagues. Please check this announcement:
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago
Add more track for race 
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago
Please restore sponsor income for league racing to its previous level. Thanks. 


After the Quick Race update, sponsorship incomes for league races became unfair. Please adjust this.
(Sorry for my English)
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago

What was the point of that poll? You should of just changed it with out the poll, now you just gonna irritate people, you not seen the aftermath of brexit and boaty mcboatface? 

Wow...bringing Brexit into this debate! :-D @Kieran Option A is the easiest one to do, and is needed to stop people running those Quick Races in auto mode, just for the XP gain. It also saves server resources, which are better utilised for the normal league races.

Options B and C have not been ruled out..they are a lot more complicated, and take more time to implement :)

im more upset with Boaty McBoatface result, the death of democracy!

medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago

How can I race outside of a league if drivers would not be able to restore health?

Actually, they do restore health outside Leagues. Please check this announcement:

Okay, thanks for clarifying that
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago
In french please i don t understand english
medal 5396 Community Manager
5 years 261 days ago

In french please i don t understand english

Après la sortie de Quick Races, nous avons écouté vos commentaires sur l'équilibre entre la progression et la compétition au sein des ligues. Les changements d'aujourd'hui constituent un premier pas dans cette direction. Nous avons également réfléchi à l'avenir du nouveau système Quick Races et nous avons de très bonnes idées pour l'intégrer à tous nos futurs projets pour iGP Manager.

Qu'est-ce qui a changé aujourd'hui ?
Lorsque vous êtes dans une ligue, vous ne gagnez plus d'XP avec Quick Races. Vos gains de niveau XP deviennent liés à la ligue.
Les gains de niveau XP des ligues ont été rétablis aux niveaux précédents.
Si vous n'êtes pas dans une ligue, vous pouvez gagner le niveau XP de Quick Races à un taux de 10XP par course pour un maximum de 10 courses par jour.

Note : Comme pour la première version, n'oubliez pas que nous en sommes encore au début du développement de ce système et qu'il va constamment évoluer. Il s'agit simplement d'une première étape pour mieux équilibrer XP. Des mises à jour plus importantes peuvent être mises en œuvre plus tard.

Quels sont les résultats attendus et escomptés de ces changements ?
Les gains de niveau XP des ligues ont été rétablis aux niveaux précédents - ceci devrait permettre aux gestionnaires de niveau inférieur de rattraper plus rapidement les gestionnaires de niveau supérieur s'ils courent ensemble dans une ligue.
Les Quick Races peuvent toujours gagner un niveau XP en dehors d'une ligue - Nous avons maintenu la possibilité de gagner un niveau XP à partir des Quick Races, et pour certains ce sera plus rapide qu'ils ne peuvent le gagner dans une ligue, mais l'équilibre pièces/moteurs ne favorise pas cette façon de jouer actuellement. Il s'agit d'une mesure temporaire, et des plans à long terme à plus grande échelle permettront éventuellement de répondre à cette préoccupation et à d'autres.
Les Quick Races gagnent maintenant 10 XP de niveau par course et jusqu'à 100 XP de niveau par jour - C'est une réduction assez spectaculaire pour coïncider avec l'augmentation / la restauration du niveau XP des ligues à un niveau supérieur. Ceci a pour but d'équilibrer les gains que l'on peut obtenir des deux et de rendre moins attrayant le fait de quitter une ligue juste pour gagner le niveau XP, car nous voulons nous assurer que les ligues sont toujours l'objectif principal.

Essentiellement, il s'agit de l'étape 1 juste vers la mise en œuvre de ce pour quoi les gens ont voté dans notre sondage Future of Quick Races. Nous allons maintenant poursuivre le brainstorming sur la manière de faire évoluer les systèmes avant de revenir vers vous avec d'autres nouvelles.

EDIT 14:32 GMT - J'ai révisé le libellé pour supprimer les références à " l'option A " du récent sondage (lien ci-dessus), car cela créait clairement de la confusion quant à ce que nous faisons réellement ici. Il s'agit d'une mise à jour provisoire en vue de la mise en œuvre de l'" option B " pour laquelle les gens ont voté. Les premières réponses qui suivront immédiatement n'auront peut-être pas beaucoup de sens tant que vous ne le saurez pas. Au départ, ce message était formulé différemment et sa signification était mal comprise.

-Translated automatically, no time for manual translation :P
medal 5000
5 years 261 days ago
Yarıs var 1cisine para ödülü daha çok olsun ıyı geceler 
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