Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
OK, I don't get and I find this abusive. I opened a thread,
http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=forum-thread/2615 asking legitimate questions. Not only I wasn't given an answer by admins as asked, although at least Andrew Wiseman was present on the forum, but my thread was closed, without a single explanation. At least the person who did it have the decency to identify himself and say why he did it, why the thread was closed, don't do things in the shadow, like common thieves.
What upset in that thread ? The fact that I find qualifying random ? Others found this too. Look at my drivers' qualifying position this season:
9 1 3 2 3 1 8 12 5 6 7
5 6 16 4 1 9 11 2 2 7 15
To me those are just random numbers. Both had softs. Both are well trained (especially Nieto, who doesn't have room for upgrade and he is twice Elite champion).
So, why exactly are we closing threads without given an explanation ? That is iGP admins and mods of solving things ? I have a lot of other bugs and issues to report, but if every one is threated like this, I won't do it. This is disgusting, and I don't care what repercusions it may bring to my team (I expect now to qualify last), but I have to speak my mind. This is not the way of doing things.

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
I asked for someone to delete our argument since it was pointless and wasn't helping any one, so maybe that got misinterpreted and the thread was just locked. I'm not sure.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
Why asking someone to delete our argument ? And why didn't you do it on the open, for me to understand why this happened ? And who is it ? Why are you guys do things in the shadow ? This could raise questions about other areas in the game.

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
Why asking someone to delete our argument ?
I asked for someone to delete our argument since it was pointless and wasn't helping any one
and it didn't answer your question, so it's just pointless to be there.

Amelia Lyons medal 5146 11 years 366 days ago
Isn't it against the rules to remake a thread after a moderator has closed one?
Alin do some constructive research for me.
Over the next three seasons. Catelogue each circuit's qualification times and the changes in each team's car and each team's drivers.
Also include any weather changes throughout the 10minute Qualification period.
But I can give you a very simple explanation in a few individual words.
^These are how qualification is effected. Let's look at the qualification records between two top-end F1 Drivers, Kimi and Jenson for 2012?
Jenson Button's 2012 Qualification Positions
2 2 5 4 10 12 10 9 16 6 4 1 2 4 8 11 4 5 12 2
Kimi's 2012 Qualification Positions
17 10 4 11 4 8 12 5 6 10 5 3 7 12 7 5 7 4 4 8
Are their qualification's random? It'll be a good idea to stop complaining about the game, there is nothing wrong with the qualification. Unless your qually results were off by more than a second from the leader, while still having as good as a car as him and comparable driver.
So far we've had 3 races in our league this season, and it's extremely competitive, every team has nearly scored a point already, The qualification results are almost never the same for any driver and yet the top 30 have always qualified within 1second of the leader.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
OK, the almighty David Lyons (yes, the same who told me to leave the BRL live race) has spoken...
First of all, how is it against the rules to remake a thread after a moderator has closed the previous without any explanation ? Maybe his finger slipped on the button.
Second, I will complain if I feel something is wrong and I have something to say. You won't shake your fist at me.
Third, do your own research. I will just ask this: how are the drivers released on track during qualifying ? Random ? If so, then this partially answers my questions, qualifying is PROBABLY random. If not and drivers are released based on their standings positions, what on earth could be so different with Nieto as opposed to Chatzi at Silverstone ? Chatzi and Nieto are close in the standings, Nieto qualified 12th, Chatzi on pole.
- Circuit ? Don't think so, in the race, Nieto did reasonable times and finished 5th.
- Driver ? What do you mean ? Nieto is twice world champion, well trained.
- Weather ? I assume the same, since they were released like half a minute apart.
- Mistakes ? Meh... Really don't know how this is implemented in the game.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
I closed the previous thread because I felt it had degenerated into an open and personal argument rather than a discussion on the topic initially raised.
There is no issue with you complaining on the forum. It would be appreciated if it could be done in a constructive manner, but I understand that things can be frustrating and the forum is a place for you to write in that manner; Indeed, passion is openly encouraged.
We all want to win and it can be difficult to understand how in one race someone qualifies in the top 5 and then in the next 25th. For me though, the randomness of the game is important. If the best driver in the best car wins all the time, then the game will become boring very quickly. In F1 some drivers are better at qualifying than others; some drivers prefer one track to another; some cars go better at certain types of track than others. These 'hidden' attributes in this game have been discussed in this forum at some length and it seems unlikely that, short of bribery, we will ever understand them.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
I don't want (or need) to undestand the hidden attributes, that would spoil the gameplay, all I wanted to hear is that the game developers are aware of the fact that those hidden attributes might influence the randomness too much, that's what I was saying.
As for the dispute argument, please take note that it wasn't me who started it, Jason Lee has taken the liberty of taking the issue personally. However, the discussion hasn't degenerated, you are too harsh on this, I race with Jason every day, we talk, we discuss, we may not be the best of friends, but certainly we are not enemies (at least I do respect his opinion) and any constructive discussions are always welcomed in my book.
P.S. In the future, when you close a thread, please notify the reason behind it, I feel it's only natural for people to understand.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago (edited 11 years 366 days ago)
Alin: I agree mods should give a short explanation for thread closure before doing so. That's our fault for not setting a policy on this matter. I'll put that in place.
I am also aware of the aparent randomness in qualifying. In almost every instance where I have been asked to check why some surprising result was achieved in qualifying, there has been a clear reason for it and it doesn't seem to be a bug. However I will be doing more investigation into this and try to make the results a little more consistent. I agree with Edwin that even though it's a bit unrealistic this way, it helps to mix things up a bit and so add interest. However I think it's a little too inconsistent right now. So as you suggest Alin, yes the influence of various attributes can be adjusted to address this.
Some "hidden" or at least less obvious effects will become a lot clearer in future though. So I may only adjust this slightly until then.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
Thank you for your reasoned response Andrew.
I am sure we are all glad to be able to draw a line under this.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago (edited 11 years 366 days ago)
Thank-you Andrew.
Edit: I am also aware (as a further response to David Lyons' example above) that in real F1 drivers may qualify a bit unpredictable and well spread across the grid, but people with good cars at the start cut through weak opposition like knife on hot butter, which isn't the case here. Here, a much slower car, on hards and low push can hold well the faster car, with softs and full push, which obviously spoil his race. This is much unrealistic. I mean, Vettel, in a Red Bull cannot be held under no circumstance by a Marussia.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
Thank you Andrew & in future when closing a thread I will explain why I am closing it

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
Looks like I won the qualifying lottery today. I got pole.

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
With all due respect Alin, looking over the answers you were the one making it personal, not me. I don't take anything on the internet personally - Tones and perception are almost impossible to grasp online.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
Who was the one mentioning my drivers in the first place ? My question was generic.

Ethan Bass medal 5000 11 years 365 days ago
If we had control of our drivers during quali instead of quali being done by a random number generator half the time I think everyone would have more fun. Most of us are at or PCs 30mins before the race, so why not lets us control quali for cyring out loud.
There could be a tre limit implemented so that if you want to use Softs in quali, your limited to say 3 more sets in the race. On most tracks I would hope that would stop the 5-6 stop sillyness that happens at some tracks cards the current Hard tyre is Garbage everywhere apart from say Monza cause the heatup with the Hards are retarded.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 11 years 365 days ago
Ethan, I don't know how can we do in quali. Drivers are already on full push and drive as fast as they can the whole lap. Maybe we could have a "take risks" button, in which the driver could risk pushing and could gain some tenths with the risk of going wide or off track. We can't run the car effectively, but a "take risk now" button could be an idea. At least, if a driver blows it, we know why he did it.

Ethan Bass medal 5000 11 years 365 days ago
Nice idea. Though I was more eluding to choosing fuel levels, timing the runs to prevent traffic, running when the track conditions are at best etc. Cause I've seen enough events where it's chucking it down just before lockdown and as soon as it locks down, the rain has magicly disappeared.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 11 years 365 days ago
I think drivers run one after each other on an empty track, with 10 liters of fuel (or so), so everyone (apart from the track conditions) gets the same chance.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 365 days ago
That is correct Alin. Each car has the track to itself