Can someone shed some light on driver levels vs. stats? Something that confuses me still is how 2 drivers with different stats can still be the same level and star rating.
For example, and I see this all the time... Driver 1 can be Talent 20, driving ability all 20s, physical 20 and 51kg, but mental in the 17s and is a 4.5 star level 18. But driver 2 can be Talent 20, driving ability 20s, mental 20s, and physical 20 and 51kg and ALSO be a 4.5 star level 18.
How can this be?! Surely driver 2, regardless of my own team level, is a better driver than driver 1? Why are they the same level and star rating? It makes no sense to me. Is this not proof of hidden stats? Can anybody give me their thoughts on why two drivers of evidently differing stats can be the same level an star rating. The ONLY thing I can think of is experience level (but even then the difference is negligable or even not any different!). But surely experience alone can't have such a massive and unbalanced impact, if it does why not just sack any and all drivers with lower experience level for a driver with 20 in experience and 3-5 lower stats in everything else? So are there confirmed hidden stats? Is it a complete lottery?
Thanks for any replies and thoughts!