Kevin Taylor medal 5000 4 years 287 days ago (Last edited by
Kevin Taylor 4 years 287 days ago)
Hello All,
Please can anyone tell me the best strategy regarding Talent when your a rookie...
Do I...
A) Start with a cheap Driver with Talent 1, and max out Physical 20, then Driver Ability 20 and Mental 20.(or am I wasting my time this way?)
B) Buy Driver in the Transfer area with a Talent of 20 costing 9.1M ?
Should add I am a level 6 Manager...does this make a difference?
Kevin Bissell medal 5000 Super Mod 4 years 287 days ago
If you're intending to be in the game for the long haul and have aspirations to be a top Elite level manager I'd recommend a T20 driver.
Option A: As soon as you move beyond Rookie this is going to hold you back.
Option B: At L6 I'm surprised you can see one that you would be able to hire from the transfer market.
Option C: Find a benevolent L20 Manager who is prepared to let you have a low level T20 Driver from their YDA with a view to keeping the driver for quite a number of seasons whilst you train them up.
Kevin Taylor medal 5000 4 years 287 days ago (Last edited by
Kevin Taylor 4 years 287 days ago)
Thank you for your reply.
I have noticed the highest I can find is T7 in the Transfer market.
Option C is perfect, you've solved my problem.
I am definitely in for the long haul and hopefully be competing with the best of the best Elite level Managers one day and replying too Rookies like me, LOL.
Thank you again.
P.S. You have a great first name Brother
Wambou Wambou medal 5000 4 years 286 days ago
From my experience, I stayed quite a while with talent 7 drivers, until I was able to upgrade my YDA to level 13 and get Talent 20 drivers.
I worked hard on Design and Technology (and Manufacturing of course) buildings to stay in the run in this period of time.
Good luck in your research and have fun :)
Kevin Taylor medal 5000 4 years 283 days ago
Thank you Wambou,
I need your experience and as much wisdom as I can get.
That helps me out regarding strategy options.
Many thanks as I'm in a very tight fight for first place in the league with another Manager and struggling to improve race by race to stay ahead.