John Doe medal 5000 4 years 326 days ago
When evaluating a CD, TD or a DR what I should look for? Good talent, morale or experience? Can anyone explain to me the definition and when all of them are used? Thank you.

Connor Cooper medal 5381 Super Mod 4 years 326 days ago
Hello Wevvely,
When looking at staff members, the amount of stars that the staff is more important that their attributes.

John Doe medal 5000 4 years 326 days ago
I knew about the stars but let's suppose:
CD 1 (Level 10, 4.5 stars):
Talent: 13
Experience: 20
Morale: 13
Strength: Acceleration
Weakness: Cooling
CD 2 (Level 10, 4.5 stars):
Talent: 10
Experience: 20
Morale: 10
Strength: Acceleration
Weakness: Cooling
So It doesn't matter who I pick? Talent and morale will never be used in any situation?

John Doe medal 5000 4 years 326 days ago (Last edited by
John Doe 4 years 326 days ago)
The attributes of the staff are random, what you have to look at are the stars and the level.
The staff must be of the same manager level as you.
e.g. Manager level 5, Staff level 5, Stars 4.5/5.
There is no difference between a CD 5 stars and 4.5 stars at the same level.
This difference in stars is only valid for a level 20 manager.
The only staff member working with stars is the doctor.
e.g. Suppose we have a driver with health at 100.
If you have a doctor with 1 star, each workout costs 15-1 star = 14. You can train the driver max 7 times.
If the doctor has 4 stars, each loosening costs 15-4 stars = 11. You train the driver 9 times.
So a doctor with high number of stars speeds up the training.

John Doe medal 5000 4 years 326 days ago
Thank you very much, guys!