What is it and why is mine only 49% in elite with full stars?
It's a measure of the amount of dp you receive when you research a design attribute. If you research a standard attribute (not CD strength or weakness) you will receive dp based on the difference between your team and the strongest team in the attribute you are researching.
Example: Attribute Braking, your core design (not including suppliers) is 50 and the strongest (also not including suppliers) is 70, your research power 49%
You will receive (70 - 50) x 0.49 = 9.8 which will round to 10.
If you research your CD strength you get about 10% more (above scenario 11)
If you research CD weakness you get about 50% less (above scenario 5)
Why is it 49%? As you level up so your research power is reduced, even with 5 star CD and TD. Lower level managers receive more research to partially offset the fact they get fewer dp from their Design HQ.