Jay Roper medal 5000 4 years 234 days ago
Hi does anyone no what sponsors to have as losing so much money as wants me to finish in top 5 but I can only get top 15 and in debt now
Frank Thomas medal 4991 Moderator 4 years 234 days ago (Last edited by
Frank Thomas 4 years 234 days ago)
Unfortunately not, only advice is to take iRacing.com because every time I checked the token worth more cash than the added Bonus of the one paying less token, but as Bonus is of no use to you anyway I guess you did that already. For second sponsor there only remains wtf1 as you need base money. Also keep in mind those sponsor tokens are also money, apart from engines and occasionally parts or a fresh coat of paint.
Other than that I can only say you should try to switch to Youth Academy drivers, as you pay more than 3 times a pair of fresh academy drivers would cost you.
For your current set of drivers you also don't need the doctor, as the contract is still quite long you could replace her with the cheapest option on the market and then let that ones contract run out to get one 50k salary assigned to your team. If you get YA drivers and want to, and survive until, have them fully trained before letting them replace the current pair it's better to keep the doctor, though. Speeds up training and every race those drivers are ready sooner makes up more than 2.5 races paying of the doctor.