I have already installed the setup. As a strategy, I installed 4 pits, W10-W12 * 4. I started the race from the first line.
the last pit was the 46th round. but bad tours were coming. I thought there would be a problem with the connection. I closed the game. I logged in again.
the problem continued in the same way. W tires, 19.3 liters of fuel and an almost ideal tire temperature. but the tour was still incredibly bad. I took a picture of the screen.
When the race is over, the results have been announced. it seemed that I had the last 12 laps with an M tire.
I have a screen photo. W rubber was attached. it had an ideal fuel load. the temperature was slightly below normal.
Where should I send the photo I have. such a problem is not acceptable. It was a race I would get points. and I finished the race 1 turn behind.