Aceroba Ent medal 5000 4 years 220 days ago
しかし、それは私が常にはるかに後ろにランクしていることであり、最悪のことは私がポジションを失うことです。 たくさんの。

John Doe medal 5000 4 years 194 days ago
To make the most of your search potential, it is best to look at just a few entries, because the more entries you select, the less effective they are. Therefore, it is recommended to focus your review on 1-4 skills, focusing on the most important ones (acceleration, braking, handling and aerodynamics). Please note that the search power indicates the percentage that is recovered for each skill that is selected. If all the power is concentrated on a target, the recovery will be more effective. In the example, either 26% is developed for each of the 2 skills or 52% for only one skill.