Hi guys (especially Jack) there seems to be an issue with the next season loading up. Last season finished yesterday and as of yet the "next race" is still un available. It is due to start Wednesday so hopefully this will be sorted in time. Numbers are diminishing across most leagues but I luckily have quite an active league and would like it to stay that way if possible please. Could anyone shed any light? Is anyone else suffering from or suffered from the same issue and know a quick fix. Cheers
Kevin Bissellmedal 5084Super Mod 9 years 14 days ago
We have an identical issue in our league "Funula One". The last race of the season happened yesterday (28th Feb) and the league appears to have hung. The end of season emails were distributed to the teams but the next season has not been created. My home screen is still displaying a button saying "Go to Race". If I click on the button I then get a screen that says "Race not found".
Are there any devs checking these forum pages?? Or are they only interested in the "update"??? I was charged my subs yesterday for a game that is currently not working!!