paul gale medal 5000 9 years 10 days ago
Hi Em I right in thinking whatever tyre you select is what you use for qualifying as well ??
So can i qualify and do a shorter stint on say softs then go to a Med compound and longer stints for the rest of race.
If so How do I set that up pls.
It looks like to do that you can only change from the first stop not the starting setup.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 9 years 10 days ago
The first stint's tyre compound is used for qualifying.
To change which tyre compound you want to use before qualifying, you need to go to the League tab and click Next Race go to to the tab with the driver's name on it and adjust the race strategy there.

paul gale medal 5000 9 years 10 days ago
Ok Thx
Does same go for a short 1st stint if you just put in less fuel.
Might seem silly question but it's sort of reads as the 1st and second stint you will same tryes and fuel, because to me the 1st stint means 1st stop so you have done 1st stint and are coming in for pitstop and 2nd stint ?
Doing 2 pitstops means you have done 3 stints.
Hope thats no to confussing

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 9 years 10 days ago
The first stint's tyre selection, no matter what, is used for qualifying. A stint is a stint.
Indeed, doing two pit stops means you have done three stints.

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 9 days ago