Fernando Alonso medal 5000 8 years 192 days ago
I think You Should Increase The Amount Of Races In A Season To 21 Races

Fran Domínguez medal 5000 8 years 192 days ago
There are currently 17 races. Why should the team increase the amount to 21?
Give us reason to support your suggestion :)

Nathan Smith medal 5000 8 years 191 days ago
First, for the 21 races, we need all 21 tracks.
And not to hi-jack, but I think the league admin's should be able to choose the number of races, and the order of the races, or leave it to be randomized.
P.S. Jack, if you need someone to make the other 4 tracks, I can do it. ;)

Joey McLane medal 5000 8 years 186 days ago
I think 17 races is the perfect amount, a rotation system would make more sense for me (nurburg/hockenheim, europe, ..)

Jamie R medal 5000 8 years 186 days ago
Or once the tracks are built give each league host the ability to build their own race calendar, within reason of course.
Maybe a "classic iGP" option and a "2016 (or 17, or whatever year) calendar.

Jason Prudhoe medal 5000 8 years 185 days ago
Not sure what difference it would make between 17 or 21 races, it is long enough a season as it is, 1 week and a half for some leagues a season, for others it would be longer, but really another 4 races isn't going to change much anyway.