Maurizio Amodio medal 5694 156 days ago (Last edited by
Maurizio Amodio 156 days ago)
Two simple idea to try to put a stop to farming, which is causing many problems for the community:
- Exchange the rewards of the Bonus and Primary Sponsor's Income. So even if you don't meet the sponsor's objectives, you earn money but not tokens. So This means that you will still need to have a strategy to reach the goal. Completely inactive managers simply won't earn tokens.
- Set a token cap of 170 tokens for the tokens you can earn for free from sponsors. 170 tokens are enough to hire a driver and assign a skill. Of course, by purchasing tokens, you can exceed the 170-token limit.
I’m not in favour of a token cap and 170 is not enough. If you need a new staff member from offices, say a TD and you want to fit a legendary special ability, that alone could cost you 270 tokens for that one staff member.
Although finding ways to stop farming is good, I don’t think a token cap is realistic. I mean, one should be able to save tokens for a big spend.
For example I want such a TD because the current is about to retire, and I want to buy engine points with tokens cause I just started manufacturing, that cap should allow for this scenario. So cap should be around 1000 tokens, then what’s the point of a cap if it’s that high
That's the point. Currently, having a pilot with 'Legendary' skill is really common. But it shouldn't be. If you want to reach a higher skill level, you either wait to accumulate tokens or spend money to buy them. Right now, it's easy to collect tokens: from the moment you recruit a young pilot from the academy to the time they get old and need to be replaced, so many seasons pass that you'll have enough tokens. You only develop engines once in a lifetime, so I don't think there's a real need to collect tokens to speed up their development. Moreover, I think that with a cap of 170 tokens, you might spend them more frequently (chief engineer?) to avoid seeing the reward go to waste. Perhaps more staff with skills will appear on the market.
Let's also remember that IGP needs revenue to fund itself. Currently, the only objectively useful item was the XP boost. But now, more or less, we're all at the max level. What to do?
If you're having trouble meeting sponsor objectives, you can choose a lower-level primary sponsor, which has lower success requirements.
However, in general, sponsors adjust the bonus missions based on your recent results: if you finished 20th, they'll ask you to finish around 18th. If you finished 1st, they'll ask you to win.
The idea of assigning tokens only to those who set the strategy and setup is obviously the best choice. However, it involves a level of development complexity that isn't easy. IGP is not a stable platform, too many developers have worked on the source code, and now making a structural change to the game is highly risky. It's better to settle for implementations with low potential for bugs.