Lorenzo Laschi medal 5065 137 days ago

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 137 days ago
Hey Kishou,
According to logs you did bid until exhausting your tokens balance.

Lorenzo Laschi medal 5065 137 days ago
Hi José, since you can see the data, can you check what time I bought it? Because it seems strange to me that I spent 45 tokens on such a poor driver.

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 137 days ago
Hey Kishou,
The purchase happened during the midnight (UTC time zone).

Lorenzo Laschi medal 5065 137 days ago
Hi José, there is a problem, as I was asleep at that time. I'd finished my last race of the day at 9:26 PM (UK Time), so according to what you're saying, I from completely asleep I: picked up the phone, unlocked the phone, clicked on the iGP Manager app, went to the market and bought a poor driver.

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 137 days ago
Hey Lorenzo,
I didn’t say that you did so asleep. Have you ever shared your account credentials? I can see in the past you asked to other managers to be your sub in some league races.

Lorenzo Laschi medal 5065 137 days ago
Hi José, on this account no one has sub'd me in the championship I'm racing in now, only in the account I have in Velocity have they sub'd me. I am very confused as to how this happened.

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 137 days ago
Hey again,
I’m as confused as you’re. I’d like to wait to see if this is a global issue or not. If that’s the case we should see more reports coming in the following hours.

Lorenzo Laschi medal 5065 137 days ago
Hey again, ok, I'll wait until there is a new news.