Fried Rice medal 5229 61 days ago (Last edited by
Fried Rice 61 days ago)
On the other hand I also echo Archie's view that anyone that spent 800 tokens in what anyone would consider "underleveled staff" for their level has no one but themselves to blame if a hardline approach is chosen.
The reason people would employ low level TDs and arm them with a special ability is to reduce wage bills and purchase price. The way in which TD special abilities was implemented allows this. It's a management game and if people manage their team in such a way then so be it. I don't think it is fair on these managers to retrospectively change the rules to favour a few high level account holders and then suggest that those who forked out 800 tokens (but still complied with the rules) "only have themselves to blame"
One way to prevent multi-accounting would be to make the "buy now" button reflect the true value of the driver or staff. I.e. A T30 driver with legendary ability would cost 270 tokens to "buy now" and a TD with legendary skill would cost 200 tokens.
Let me rephrase it this way:one benefits from added abilities of all TDs (which is upto 5) at the same time on their accounts. So its not out of line to ask that the aspect of TDs that is responsible for determining research (which is the stars) is taken into account equivalently from all TDs on the account (median, average, mode or whatever statistic of choice).
On the topic of "Buy Now" as I pointed out before the driver auction house needs fixes so that a transfer listed driver goes live on sale atleast once during the 3 hour window, which currently isn’t the case. At the moment you could list a 190cm driver with legendary racecraft and watch in vain for the driver to not go live even once during the 3 hour span. Increasing the costs to 270 would make getting rid of the driver virtually impossible.