Michael Headley medal 5108 32 days ago
I feel the race speed for rookie sprint races is way too slow. Ideally it should be 1.5x at least. Can this be reviewed thank you

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 32 days ago
Hey Michael,
I completely agree. We’ll work on it.

Franco Insaurralde medal 5000 32 days ago
I think 1.5x is still very slow. In my league we have lost several rookies who just want to rush to get back to level 10 as soon as possible
Before, sprint races were 2.5x, that's ideal... or failing that, 2.0x

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 32 days ago
2X or higher looks silly with 3D, that’s another factor to consider.
We’re going to implement 1.5X.

Sergio Ruiz medal 5714 32 days ago
Hi, I would like to propose that the sprint races should be faster. Right now they have a very low speed, which I find more boring than league races, and which can make people under level 10 more bored of the game, for a 15 lap race in Monaco, I've been half an hour, when in my normal league a 70 lap race lasts 50 minutes. This could benefit people to like playing this game mode more, which is also called sprint, so it would be nice if it was faster than normal league races, not slower. My proposal would be to go from a speed of 1.0, to 1.5 or 2.0.

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 32 days ago
Hey Sergio,
I’ve merged your suggestion with the same one previously posted.