Hello, now that the "buy now" option has been disabled, wouldn’t it be ideal to create an "automatic renewal" for driver and staff contracts?
Besides playing, we all have our daily lives, and it’s easy to forget to renew a contract—who hasn’t been there? A distraction, a tough workday, or a family situation can easily make you forget to renew a contract.
At least this would help prevent losing a main driver or a JD/DT that was so hard to acquire.
Would be ideal for farming. It’s a management game, I don’t think taking away a management aspect would make it better, easier yes, better no
How would farming be involved?
Keeping hold of good driver + staff without having to look at the account, just let it run, contracts will auto renew, log in every once in 90 days and done
With buy now disabled, how is that farming? Farming is holding on to your good drivers + staff on a specific account?
An auto renew would
1) dumb down the game (in my opinion)
2) only benefit those who farm driver experience
1. Never in doubt, was never in question from my comments.
2. How? I'm still confused. How does auto renew tie in with farming driver experience or anything for that matter?
you could just leave your team where it is, contract never expires, check in once every 90 days to avoid getting kicked, farming driver exp effortlessly. Then auction to “mother” account
You know I have tons of respect for you, my old friend, but you just said in the other thread farming driver exp is the main reason bots exist in SR. If you would ban that in SR, why encourage it in league races? Guess where the bots would go next 😉
I’ll leave it here as suggestion has been rejected, see you around Archie