Enri Castillo medal 5000 15 days ago (Last edited by
Enri Castillo 15 days ago)
Good evening, ll get to the point. My stolen account is called Enrique Del Castillo, and his team is called Ferrari Driver Academy. It is in the Intercontinental F4 series. The account appears without driver. My friends have passed me pictures that my account was connected but when I tried to connect, the screen was black. I have all the information of the account, and you can ask the admin of Intercontinental and they will tell you that it is my account. Thank you and I hope you can help me.

Pablo Nuñez medal 5343 15 days ago
I am the administrator of the Intercontinental Series. Our friend Enrique Del Castillo lost his only driver and cannot access his account. We want to solve this problem as soon as possible.
Acc: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&team=3083364&tab=overview
Driver: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=driver&id=14982018

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 15 days ago
Hey Enrique,
Did you ever share the login credentials of your account?

Enri Castillo medal 5000 14 days ago
Just 2 People but it was after the problem because I thought it was a problem with my WiFi

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 14 days ago
Black page indeed is a sign of no network. There’s no account steal, I did check the IPs entering the account as well. I mark as solved.

Enri Castillo medal 5000 14 days ago
Try yourself to enter the game with my account please. It doesn't work and I need my account.

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 14 days ago
Everything loads fine to me from your account.

Enri Castillo medal 5000 14 days ago
What? So what happens with my driver?

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 14 days ago
Hey again,
The driver was released by you, as stated
in this topic. Thank you!

Enri Castillo medal 5000 14 days ago
One last thing, it still doesn't work for me the account but I'm using this account, and a friend has also tried in his devise and it doesn't work.