For players using web browser (PC or mobile devices), you can temporarily use this bookmarklet (a bookmark that executes a simple JavaScript function).
It's safe to use, the bookmarklet adding only a green button « Qualy » to home page to access Qualy results page.
This code is not developed by iGP, so don't ask them for support on the forum.
JS function :
How to use it ?
- Open Firefox
- Ctrl B (to open bookmarks view)
- Right click
- Add a bookmark
- Name : iGP Qualy (does not matter)
- URL : copy/paste the javascript function
- Save
- Open Chrome
- Ctrl Shift O (to open bookmarks view)
- Right click
- Add new bookmark
- Name : iGP Qualy (does not matter)
- URL: copy/paste the javascript function
- Save
iOS (should me more or less the same on Android)
- On a web page
- Click on "add to bookmark"
- Then, edit the bookmark (press the bookmark few seconds to have the "edit" option)
- Replace the web url by the JS code