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Jack Basfordmedal 5239 CEO & CTO 8 years 143 days ago
The Nintendo Switch was announced today, and I have to say I'm quite excited about it.
After I got a tablet and started developing the new iGP I immediately understood the appeal of tablet gaming, and how it could compliment a console. Several months ago I predicted the future of consoles would be a tablet you could slot in beside the TV, pick up and carry on using on the move, the console being contained within that tablet. I didn't think the technology was there yet, but maybe it is. Nintendo are certainly having a crack at it. There's also the chance that iGP may be well suited to it, which is an interesting prospect, further validating that the direction we're heading in for cross-platform compatibility.
Are you excited about this? Or are you loyal fans of the other consoles?
I've find it difficult to get excited with a small screen. This could do with my less than stellar experiences with the Nintendo DS and the PSP. If I owned a device that could be used to play on big screens or on the go, it would likely never leave the side of my TV. I can't settle for playing on a small device when I enjoy playing on a larger screen more. Plus, my eyes are not going through more strain to obtain information.
Leslie Oldhammedal 5000 8 years 142 days ago (edited 8 years 142 days ago)
My son is a Nintendo fan. But like Blunion above I spend my time in front of a big screen TV. If I could play IGP on my TV I would. However, my son says "no way a tablet app is going to work on Switch". So my question is, what is it about Switch that makes you think IGP might be portable to Switch? I have no knowledge of the inner workings of your system or of the Switch system. Is there something simple I could tell my son?
By the way I usually play and watch using a PS4.
Jack Basfordmedal 5239 CEO & CTO 8 years 142 days ago
It was more of a throwaway remark about iGP, I haven't given it much thought. Manager games usually aren't much fun on consoles in my experience, but if it can be picked up and played on the portable tablet screen (I imagine some Switch games will be exclusively designed for cases like that) then I was thinking it could work.
For example, I have a Wii U and some games rely heavily on certain types of controllers and can't be played without them, similar scenarios exist for games that can only be played on dance mats etc. On the Wii U some players are forced to use the "tablet" controller to participate in a multiplayer mode, while others use the TV.
I'd like to add on to my original post and say I have noticed the significant number of people that like the convenience of using a device that is mobile. When it comes to phones and using apps that have big screen/desktop counterparts, I'd opt for the latter whereas many others may prefer the former.
I understand why the Switch exists but I'm simply not the target.
Although, the funny thing in my own realization is though I'd rather not play on a smaller screen, iGP having a mobile counterpart would ease any issues I'd have in being able to live manage when I have no PC to access. Which is amusing considering one of the goals of the mobile app may be to attract a target audience who are always on the move or simply can't use a PC.
Jack Basfordmedal 5239 CEO & CTO 8 years 142 days ago
Although, the funny thing in my own realization is though I'd rather not play on a smaller screen, iGP having a mobile counterpart would ease any issues I'd have in being able to live manage when I have no PC to access. Which is amusing considering one of the goals of the mobile app may be to attract a target audience who are always on the move or simply can't use a PC.
A bit of both, actually, but this is getting off-topic, lol.
The Nintendo Switch was announced today, and I have to say I'm quite excited about it.
After I got a tablet and started developing the new iGP I immediately understood the appeal of tablet gaming, and how it could compliment a console. Several months ago I predicted the future of consoles would be a tablet you could slot in beside the TV, pick up and carry on using on the move, the console being contained within that tablet. I didn't think the technology was there yet, but maybe it is. Nintendo are certainly having a crack at it. There's also the chance that iGP may be well suited to it, which is an interesting prospect, further validating that the direction we're heading in for cross-platform compatibility.
Are you excited about this? Or are you loyal fans of the other consoles?
Honestly? I have never seen the interest in consoles tablets or mobile phones, they are a fixed half computer and a tv port with proprietary software and hardware much like Dell is on the computer market, you can only buy it with fixed stuff and after a few years it gets chucked out for a faster upgraded version which also gets chucked out for another one, computers can be upgraded more frequently and are more powerful and even the old components can make another computer that can be given to someone else who wants a computer.
it is cheaper than buying computer components for the pc, but the components inside a console is usually a few generations behind on out right gaming power though.
it is the same with tablet computers, i don't see the use on those either, it's just another fixed spec computer and it's uses are limited. same for mobile phones as well, just a flashy expensive accessory when it should only be a basic phone with a screen for numbers. i fail to see the relevance for a custom phone with so many useless features on it or why so many replacement models of these phones exist.
this is my view on things, it just seems pointless to me.
It seems as though every new cycle they come up with something like motion controls or a smaller screen, but they still get beat by the PS and Xbox. Is it the limited selection of games (NASCAR, f1, etc.) or something else?