Ricardo Mariani medal 5000 7 years 303 days ago
I our race are scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and for some reason you're about to race today (saturday).
I've checked in the championchip EDIT and its due to ran in Mon, Wed and Fri.
Can you help?

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 303 days ago
It more than that. Your schedule is a mess! It says you will run June 1-5 and 15-19 with large gaps right before both sets of back to back races. Were you trying to create some breaks in the schedule?

Jordon Gonzales medal 5000 7 years 302 days ago
Sometimes editing the schedule jacks up the dates. I had multiple races on the same day. Jus make sure you let jack know so he can fix.

Ricardo Mariani medal 5000 7 years 301 days ago
No, nobody touched the schedule. What can I do?

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 7 years 301 days ago
It should be fixed now, I did it manually. Sorry about that.